HomeMy WebLinkAbout320192591640 L. dl. I -' DESCRIPTION: PLAT DAVID SHELTON"S D. 37 LOT Tr. 164 BLK , , ~7-:-.ijr';:;"-<,~i;.i 4/...' SEC " # ACREAGE TWP I'GE .__.~J.L_~_ .' ~ ',IT 7~, ,- '9000 , . DISTRICTS I . Af,FIIIAVIT YEAR AUD, , TITLE HOLDER f',,J,,:?" 07&"- CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD SALES $ , 8/'71; "'061'" ~ r,') 'IOq "I it~~622 Clarence V. JRUTlOW e ux S S H ;>'><24c.., .. ~t. l>>-g" "DOC' 53,} )"h.... nn 1/. ~ , A . .^ 1/ I ---- .. '- I I .. .. -.-- __u_ --, ._~ L I-- ..-- I --.-- -..-------..-- I . . , T . ACREAGE 'IALUATlON ~L . 'BUILDING 1 B OF E YEAR TlDELANO UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL 7!5' ,- ,diP /2/?0 /;(00 11- I ""(J1l~ ~P(,IJ ,-~ ,,.. . 1117. ..fA 76 d / RS" ?'~t!- /"S-R~ 1q, I ----6- "5 ~ ....,tj 7-l.r ~_ ,,., J ~ !:JI r?~ '2";0/] /0<:: p<" ~I .. / .1 / ;;; ;;;06 q /5rJ ~J35 C> ~U I . -G- 6' '-6/- ~ ,'), '" .1....) 91~() /~;)..tJ( ;) ~ I .~ s;{) 5(...::l I -li# 2!5 m )?~ , ,::)(, . ; 91..1)0 I/.,...~,. ~ I.~S() jo..f' , -&- -A- -Cl. 94 /;:2.(, 1 ")-6 q /e:;/l iJ ).()4 AI :<'<:"J'I . (;la, I -e- -- ~ 1'", . ~'" I. ~ .... 9/ .::."Z! I....~ ~):3,:::.? \ wl" u , ,-~57 ~' -. ... " _.'-.. L.J- _ '~..;;... ..,- -_...._-....~,~,... .' ....,.,,,.,,.,.c.l'..::J, . ',,-.,:- - - , Tract 1 of Short Plat #5 - #301611 : Out of Tr. 130 of D.L.C. #37 Beginning at the SW corner of Block 17 of David Shelton's 2nd Add; running thence N 82030' W 60' to the SE corner of ~ot 8, Block 28 bfDavid Shelton's 3rd Add; thence S 07030' W 40'; thence N 82030' W 17'; thenc.e S 07030' W to,penterlineof Goldsborough Creek; thence Ely along said line of creek to a point "hich is S 07030' W of I.P.: thence N 07030' E to I.P. rA.s/i, ~~ 0.//05-/0 I~^ .,~.>.- ". ......L I I I I . . NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTA Oyster Timber Unimproved I m proved Improtements B. of E. (Buitdin~s) VALUE J(S - -E::J - e- O i Iii i. I I , I I ,. ,