HomeMy WebLinkAbout320192501650 ,. DESCRIPTION: PLAT TRACT 165 of DAVID SH~LrC*'S D.L,C. ~ .;;;;:- oi '.LI i'l f;Cf'.. 04""ilII\"JlI (ilJ .~ LJ: I #37 lOT 'BlK # ACREAGE SEC TWP GE YEAR AUD. TITLE HO,!;D~ ... '3 II :>-<i <;,- I C~H RAC TO: 'RD-' SC DISTRICTS , I PT UO Fa HD CD I AffiDAVIT SALES $ .~----- .-- ___n... ___ _6LZ2i-#.G. E..A2.49 Ma rt i n I S 309 Jo~n M, - Lois Rylan , ~ I r?rf) - - {): " '0) S "' H An7~2708L_L 10/71,33;j. 71.3 :1. /. J/J. ~~ ~!./~ ,~3f.jfIF"s,I'~:+-{l..~ L<I.- w,o. . '0 . --I----~ i I .n-i ~ I j ~bb66 =- I 'x!;;i.%.er!wl' , 'fi 7S7$/"" I$"t..""~ '''h , ACREAGE , I , I , , , , , IMPROVED TOtA . ()I.. . () ~ - , .of , -1 , , 'IAlUATloN . - ~ I , ! i [' ! i , YEAR TI DELAND UNIMPROVED TIOELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUllOING 8 OF E TOTAl 1/LJ .21- ----- 'i?4 /()SO 37~ 'I /.'> 0 IcJ,S t') ~/""U _~ 7 S'C) =r= , , i!~l _~~-~.._"o.-.l-.~_ ~. I ..all u ~_-_'~-"';'f~- -''',,!,y--. ,1.:. ",U" we! ~ V 5~1h, '-, 3--<& L..J.</ ~Z~- A tract of land in the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 19, Township 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M., in Mason County, Washington daf: BEGINNING at the northwest corner of Block 25, David Sheiton's Third Addn to Shelton, Washington, according to the recorded plat thereof; th S 7 1/20 West, along the West I ine of Lot 4, said Block 25, 100 feet to the southwest corner of said Lot 4; th N 82 1/20 West 30 feet; th N 7 1/20 East 100 feet; thence South 82 1/20 East 30 feet to the pob. ,