HomeMy WebLinkAbout320185703900 ... PLAT CALLANANS ADD DESCRIPTION: #- ACREAGE Ord. #645 Vac. #157 t5~. ~. 7. ,.'-7Q:396-a.... lOT Tract A-D SEC TWP YEAR AUD, TITLE HOlOER RilT-sc I PT DISTRICTS UD FD HD' CD ' i CONTRACT TO: - 1 _69_ 242218 GLen_C. _Wa.tson_ at_u" 'J8o 3P;;i. 9/5'_ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ I:tnhh".,I(,~,. /..mM!.... r.. , ,If ~" ~ '~:$C r~;J~~~o/~-7) If"" I r - - ~ ~ ------~- t- - --~---..._.-- , ACREAGE I -Y~R_ ~ T-'DELA~= ~-;NIr.lPROVED I-_~MPROVED a~--- I , ,,- -- I_ F/ : ' t;.:fab',-,,';j,e!:e;~- rs-",:4 &,?< , 'M^:' I I I ,- -- - -- - '---1---1-- -, '-'T- -- - -- - - ..,-'----+ , : TOTAL TIDELAND ---+---------1-- -- L-- - - +-- , , i -1-------+-, ____I- ---- I I ~r:- :=r= ~ T --: -=t- --+ ------ -t-----+ I .-i, , 1___ I !- : Iff s UNIMPROVED 309 /;//, s ) " " BlK 3 RGE I AFFIDAVIT SALES $ ~~~ih 1;5'''",_ ","'/{; ~7Y.;:1-CO ~~, B OF E TOTAL _~/?5 /~.y~rJ () -11fl -+-50~O.Q...J'tZ.9 5'00 ,5.30 boo 'IAlUATION . IMPROVEO .2 /t15 l~tJoo L "'lO.;lOr\I.-L//17' = , ~~:;; U-i$i: iP' (Tract A of Short Plat #21) -5t1f!.t1V-j 3j!~ Commencing at the~W corner of Blk 3, Plat of Cal lanans Mtn View Add Vol. 4 of Plats, pg 76, records of Mason County, Washington, City of Shelton; th N 610 32' 00" E alg the Nly I ine of Blk 3, 100' to TPOB; th alg the Ely I ine of sd Blk 3, S 280 28' 00" E 195'; th N 610 32' 00" E 50' to the center of cu I-de-sac hay i ng a rad i us of 50'; th N 080.18' 12" E 217.16' + - to the Sly I ine of K Street; th Wly alg the sd Sly line of K Street 83' to TPOB eA-~e _ ;:Z"77!S:3li' See short plat for complete description of Tracts B-D ... Tract B 3 DESCRIPTION: PLAT CA L LANANS ADD lOT -- BlK #. ACREAGE SEC TWP RGE Ord. #645 Vac. #157 - -- -~--"_..-_.- ~-~.~ I , OISTRICTS I l--c-_---- I AFFIDAVIT YEAR AUD. TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC i PT I UD FD 'HD . CD SALES $ - - - , -- -- _6.9_, 2'12218 G_Leo...G_,-Watso.D_e.t_ux S 309 S 3 1%03'?"z'l1-> ,lL.. o/:::.cj.~':1t&4-<A. )1 ; /:/7 ._J _;,41....32.;;:J.z~&~;.du:~:,= 'M In f J/k~ repc!Y , I H #22013 li= 7"'3".;1.. /'.r. w~ =--~ ;6/ 7 >"0100 J.u~,,04 -- - -,-- -,1-,__,__ -___ -i-- I -T- - 't---~------ I ---------t-- ACREAGE -y~]_ TlO!,LA.No.. _ -J_lJNIt,lPROVEO __ _IMPROVED TOTAL ~r7 I I -~---+~--- ---------t----- ~--- - 'IAlUATION TlOELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING B OF E TOTAL .2/95 1/()~"1 -~~'j : - --+---- ---- X-d j~l-.P~/./c..j_ ___ --i-----+-- - --- ---- - - ~ - - +- - -- ~------- ---J-- - -~--- t-=-=,--~+ ~~, I -- ---+- - ---,--+ --, -- ! ; --L , _ L'/-~,'L r- i ' I :2 ;CIS J I tJ{JC I 1;"";'7 /:_" ..~ ~ ----- ---+---." I -~'----r -----..-.- - --t..-- ----.-- ~ -- -- ---- - -: I "--,---- -T----~ --, --+-----+-- ----t - : -t'---u-t---- -c~==i= I I ---+-- ! , /~ __J FflS/!' 18'2/72 (Tract B of Short Plat #21) ,l./r.) Commencing at the ~ corner of Blk 3, Plat of Callanan's Mtn View Add in Vol. 4 of Plats, pg 76, records of Mason County, Washington, City of Shelton; th N 610 32' 00" E a I g the WI Y line of B I k 3 100'; th S 280 28' 00" E 195'; th N 610 32' 00" E 50' to the center of cul-de-sac having a rdius of 50' and the TPOB; th N 080 18' 21" E 217. 16'; th S 280 28' 00" E 193.95'; th S 700 16' 46" W 131.53' + - to the center of sd cul-de-sac and POB. 5L112I/E"tj .3~4? 1:=A-sG.: ;;<"17/S31? ... PLAT CALLANANS ADD DESCRIPTION: #: ACREAGE #645 Vac. #157 TITlE~OlDER ~cl CONTRACT TO: Ord. - YEAR AUD. 237086 69 242218 Glen C. Watson et ux - ---- -------- ~fgQ38;c7'IS:- _ n___ _ d,,,.-k..""" I. _ ~l.j.k2';z.2~_~~..f /1-,,~~4=~ r1 ~~4v0~ -- - - -- --- --- --+= - -- -- oj- --- ------ - , -- ,"' ----, -- - --- ---of --+--- - t- , ------_.._-~ -- I ___ _________.__ ___~___ l- ____ ACREAGE -y~~~~-~~DE~ND- ~~~UNlhlPfl()1'EE...... t---IMPROVED Zf-1 l-- __u_ I - ..2/ ~ ' _ -r --- - --t-- ----~ "' ~r'k/"~fj3~/J ~ I~u~ b (' - -;-- t- -- -- - -t- - ----t ---- ->- - - - -1- -------+------+- I , . . --t---- --- I ~---------t------I ___+-___ ., -- .I-- ~ -- I 1 ---t-------- ----.-+------ ---- + -.-- ! TIDELANO TOTAL lOT T r~~:tJ; SEC TWP k-- ,_ DISTRICTS RD' SC PT I UD FD HD CO' S 309 S v YI. 1 ') , 3 'IAlUATlON UNIMPROVED IMPROVED 2/"15 /:f,/)rJ/J /L:/ 5 ,'/> , ' - 1---- ,- -1-- -- , -t--- - - -j- " - ---+-- --- -..:... , ----+- - ,----L---- I ....J I ---------r- 1- - ' ...1, I +- -- ---1- I ! ...<0 --,-- --j-' H BUilDING BlK 3 RGE AFFIDAVIT SALES S #22013 -- 703"'.:>., blso 0t10~; ~ ?' V~""'o I.vU"d ...~, .... B OF E TOTAL 2/95 /.;>- ~- ~ < ~, ~ ....... E J i~( , :;.- -, ;' 7- -/ . - , <Tract C of Short Plat #21) St/R.t/ey -?f!(c. AlCAJ Commencing at the ~ corner of Blk 3, Cal lanans Mtn View Add in Vol. 4 of Plats, pg 76, records of Mason County, Washington, City of Shelton; th N 610 32' 00" E alg the Wly I ine of BI k 3, 100'; th S 280 28' 00" E 195'; th N 610 32' 00" E 50' to the center of a cul-de-sac having a radius of 50' and the TPOB; th N 700 16' 46" E 131 .53'; th S 280 28' 00" E 145'; th S 610 32' 00" W 60'; th N 510 27' 20" W 179.24' + - to the center of sd cul-de-sac and TPOB. r.::; AsE.' ?. 7 7/0$3 2f r DESCRIPTlDN: PLAT CALLANANS ADD #: ACREAGE Ord. #645 Vac. #157 YEAR AUD. TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: 237086 -69 ,,242218 ,G_Len_C_. J'La..tSQn et ux 'JfO.3s>.;J.'l/~ ________ .P . <,;4', '~ !AI ._3 f.C<':)7.s:-.if'~t":..j..(^ - L '"' Ll-:-J. F'A /:J - ., - - - --- -- - ---i -- - --- -+- ------- ~- , r - - --- ----- - i--- 1 - +---------- I ----T------ - -+- --- ACREAGE -YEA;;-[~IDELA!ID_ _ -, UNIMPROVED I . li~___ .-, ~, i -:-, : . I'~ ---=---- - -- ,1. ~'2'c;G'II.:; /4 - -<.::' ','=- - =~t.:-t=:=~==- : --1-- - - : t--- I I I ---..--t----------i ------ --..j.. - ----+-------tu +-----_'r_ ' "--+---1 ----.j.---- , " , ----t- ----t--- -- -- --=1= IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND ~/ \ .::J/ ~- sc S 309 S ..L. I !It. \ / lOT Tract 0 --,-._-- SEC TWP DISTRICTS PT UD FD' HD CD 3 UNIMPROVED IMPROVED VALUATION '1;-:.,/ -" :2 / 95 / I. -')GJ () H BUilDING BlK3 RGE I AFFIDAVIT SALES $ R?2013 :d 7c::>.3~z- , . ""I' t5'...:.t? (JOI"J A'-i' "ZL.?V,::J.;u "'VA<' ... B OF E TOTAL 2/9$ Ij9(j ,'-_ ,<d'; EA~E rnln' <Tract D of Short Plat #21) 5t1IZ v~t.; '7:~0 Commencing at theA/~ corner of Blk 3, Callanans Mtn View Add In Vol. 4 of Plats, pg 76, records of Mason County, Washington, City of Shelton; th N 610 32' 00" E alg the Wly I ine of Blk 3, 100'; th S 280 28' 00" E 195' to TPOB; th N 610 32' 00" E 50' to the center of a cul-de-sac having a radius of 50' and th S 510 27' 20" E 179.24'; th S 610 32' 00" W 120'; th N 280 28' 00" W 165' + - to TPOB. r;;.A se-. -;l.77/53/( , ,