HomeMy WebLinkAbout320192500880 ,. DESCRIPTION: PLAT DAVID SHELTONS D.L.C.#37 lOT Tract 88 BlK #' ACREAGE r--?i .~ ^ J .t:f'J:\~' :,.., 5lRl1l SEC TWP RGE M I~'l S:~ III - . Cj L. /.:)'.I':J C) () I j ....... , i~1Y. :J.'1'16 flS OISTRICTS Af Q"~I~'lf' I , 1 YEAR AUO, # TITLE HOLDER CONT/lAC~ T : RO SC PT UD FD' HD CD SA lEU.' , I: 67 4F152,2l4 Charles Dahlman et u~ S 30 S 3 H - 17':1& 3':<':; 37/ i;(aM 4..) J1 ' L. -~!d., ,. -& ,{} , ;=! S-o~?.a. "-- ~7 ft;Z.5"u'9 khHAlS.;, 4,,-- fW.j. /0 .l \ 01:-$/3$/ &1'4>00 ~h", i519q~</.~' fiI. / IAf 'yj1. 'y)). A' M J~ ') : . I I . , , . , , ' I ACREAGE , I, VALUATION , BT~F E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAl. i TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING T TAL 72 .? rJ ,t dI , 1125 2480 3$05 74 , I , ((M~ ~~(). r-:-"L'lt. /J z.2.L.a.- 7/1 ~ = .!lIS 7(., t/.?70 CjLj'?,{) )"37tJ{). 77 'F ;..f::L 71'J /,.3,.t; /(J.t:;PJ:; , . 77 0 CfJ 0 /F . t/d-.70 0315 / d sRS- 7~ ' ' --0- <9 0 /,9 '/,;;2 70 h31'S /osR5 )1 30 ,3 () -n-- -e G <'xL, I' d...,.,A /,., 3/,:;" /a5"gs go i LJ-.-. -G- -b- , "g( I: 1071tJ {(~O('l ~Jl3go 'Xl ! -ff -e e:r , , , It U Ll' .. ~Q) c..J ,. '. .', i- . . .. "'-:;'-'-"--._"~,,,_,",--';'-"'~'-'~'''......~''-'' ~ ;.......;:;.. ~L .' Page 10 in Plat Book Formerly known as Tract 12 of NW NW, 19-20-3 lU~ \.. .. L 1. /If Block l~6.@~' , ro.i-' 19, fM y ~d 3Lc;ltou ';:, J~d AdJ, Lllt:m...t:: N 82030 I W 156' l..lat!lll III N 7(')3()t~..QI: 'l.......t!> 1J 7<)017' F. llf. F\Fi', - Ill":-: ,l'L.1TH"L.1 ~ "fo~A" M..-J...65"':" ~U...r-~~.J..y~r.L::.B-. Be..!,innir.f, a t tI,L 5\1 {.o! I.(.! ....v ...L .,1 ., d\en......c ~ srOsg' n BllU'Oj' NEW DESCRIPTION by WD AF#325669: A tr of land situated in the NW NW 19-20-3W.W.M., daf: Commencing at the SW corner of Blk 19, David Shelton Third Addn to Shelton as recorded in plat thereof in the office of the Auditor for sd County and State; th N 820 30' W 150' to the initial POB; th N 820 30' W 75'; th N 70 30' E to the Sly rlw I ine of Co. Rd.; th N 790 17' E alg the Sly r/w I ine of sd Co. Rd 87' + - tap thereon which is N 70 30' E of the POB; th S 70 30' W 165' + - to POB; EXCEPTING therefrom road rights-of-way. _dl '~--_..-. ;. , ==_-_=er=~_~-'-=" . ACREAGE '/ALUATlQN y~~;;-'l ~' - - B OF E TIDELAND ---.l!'!'MPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL I TIDElAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL , n ,30 ,136 !o7~a II~oo L"':\~.~O --~ - 'Ki), , I 6 0" r?f ..., -- . 25 ---- I IO'?~O /11000 .;t ;;L3Jt::) - ------.---- ~-~- $'3 -----. 4 .D- e- -------- ~-;:, II t..l'Jll · Y4 ' --- 30 If) '72/J '1" ::{Jl() --1---- ~_._. - -e- -e- S-- 3(1 I ,-~ /0 'Jjo ) J 600 ~~ ?:,fC'J , , ~--~ , ~ --G ----h- , I -t- , T . '. " i , .. j ,.01':>. -"..0-.;..' II. <- Ii ...n. ,,' , .. , .. l.~