HomeMy WebLinkAbout320184500700 I D.L.C.#37 DESCRIPTION: PLAT TRACT 70 OF DAVID SHELTON' lOT BlK #' ACREAGE 3.:tO i:i4~r ~'~ ""~.A" SEC TWP RGE 'UrJi 1 ~ I CONTRAdT1rO OISTRICTS Aft DAVIT1'#' YEAR AUO, # TITLE HOLDER RD SC PT UD FD HO CD I SA ~$ ~I 70 4n5 30 16 Glenn H. Roesse1 '.J S bo' S 3 H I ~ , .- -, I , I I I , I ACREAGE I VALUATION TOTAL ' B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROYEO TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING TOTAL 71 . /5 , AI{, 1200 6660 7860 , 74 I 1/4 ...j~o" 83.2.a..... ~~o 7(" ~ '7/':;() :J 7~ 70 ~()D70 - iLio"O 5Cj '1 Q() 'XI ~c::'/f)() 514 .IS I ~ ).4fl'"n :<. ~"7 ,'11'1 ~q 7tJI' , , -- , , . ! , . ,j 1 II i I .l j i _., , ~. ,I." _~,._.&:_.lo~_~.;.~.;:..;". , :>) _._- - ..' "- '._'.0 ",-"-.",.__ Page 8 in Plat Book Formerly known as Tract 27 of SE SE, 18-20-3 W 60' of following description: Beginning at the NE corner of Block 2, Frances Shelton's Add; running thence N 7030' E 180' along W line of lst street to a point on W line of 1st street and establish the SE corner of tract hereafter described~ thence N 7030' E a10na W line of 1st street 100'; thence N 82030' W 180'; thence S 7 30' W 100'; thence S 82 30' E 180' to I.P. EXCEPTING R/W granted to City of Shelton and easement for alley purposes. I. ,I