HomeMy WebLinkAbout320184500680 .. TRACT 66 OF DAVID SHEi%~ S , DESCRIPTION: PLAT D.L.C.#37 lOT BlK #' ~1,o./.8.#SJ ' ' ~ ACREAGE SEC TWP RG~ 1 , DISTRICTS I AI 10AVIT'1/' YEAR AUO. # TITlE HOLDER CONTIlA, T T : RD SC PT UD FO HD CD SA ES $ . 11/7 4F285153 A.Roy Dunn et ux /) /,,; d1rO s 0' S 3 H 1137955 , , I I ...~ . I -----. , ACREAGE I VALUATION TOTAl. I B OFE YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING TOTAL 71 .'J J ,'J b I 1000 2700 3700 :tJ./ I~~ d(W(f) ~~D 7,(/ DIP ----- ?(" , J=?I./j) '1 ()/? 0 ItJtf:J.D ~I ---- 1/900 I )?5lJb 30400 94 ,.:'l..:l ,.:II Ii / I '! of) / :x S't"h ~. , I. . I T 1 . I c,,1 ,j j . Jilll' II c;, .L,.~ , . -'. '. . ~t:-.;. Page 8 in Plat Book Formerly known as Tract 29 of SE SE, 18-20-3 E 76' of following description: Beginning at the NE corner of Block 2, Frances Shelton's Add; running thence N 7030' E 180' along the W line of 1st street to a point on the W line of said 1st street and establish the SE corner of tract hereafter described; thence N 7030' E along W line of said 1st, street 100' to a point; thence N 82030' W 180' to a point; thence S 7030' W 100' and establish the SW corner of tract herein described; thence S 82030' E 180' to I.P. EXCEPTING R/W grated to City of Shelton and easement for alley purposes. "