HomeMy WebLinkAbout320183590470 DESCRIPTION: PLAT TRACT 47 OF DAVID SHELT0N'~ D.L.C.#37 _ ~~:M l~i:::'~bJ/7/} LOT BLK ,; #' ACREAGE SEC TWP RG~ I . :~l:;'r * ~O d~000 ~,2'>7~ Ml YEAR AUO. # TITLE HOLDER !. I CONTRAcT T : I' , . DISTRICTS RD SC PT UD FO HD CD 9/70 41254304 11s~ 1//t.9"7 Glen C. Watson 1_ <' ~~ ",,c:;,, '''-- '=- ,^ S 0' S 3 .JiNAj j ) , -'j 73 , i I I "1 , , , I i -'._--- , ACREAGE 1 VALUATION I B OF E UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL '67 .~7 I 3330 12730 16060 I aula JL'-6o :P5~t.b 3:U.:u> , /"000 _;:;/)0/>,0 .'11."00 -, II c:7)(') I cf If 1010 ^' J 'Of) .37 .13; //J ,.; '74 q/Jp .9~41J?'J' I /06-11r. 9<f;;:uon <j y. 711n . , . YEAR TIDELAND 7ft' 7" ~I 24 >6 , , I ~.-.~~~ L . .' ! 'I I . i1, .U .;'_:"_".~lt'A"^~ "LJ... -'.- -, I .31. ., - .,._~ .F" . Page 6 in Plat Book Formerly known as Tract 5 of SE SW, 18-20-3 Beginning at the NE1y corner of Lot 2, B1k. 42, Mt. View Add; thence NW1y at right angles with the N line of Laurel street, 60' to I.P.; thence N1y at the same variation of compasss as the E line of Lot 2, 100'; thence W1y, parallel with N line of Laurel street to E line of 13th street; thence Sly along E line of 13th street to N line of Laurel street 100', more or less, thence E1y along N line of Laurel stretto I.P. Also: Beginning at the NE corner of Lot 3, Block 42, Mt. View Add; thence N1y at right angles with the N line of Laurel street 60' to establish I.P.; run thence N1y parallel with E line of said Lot 3, 100'; thence Wly parallel with N line of Laurel street 60'; thence Sly at right angles with N line of Laurel street 100'; thence Ely along N line of Laurel street 60' to I.P. ..."".