HomeMy WebLinkAbout320183500460 DESCRIPTION: ifF / YEAR AUD. /I 4/71 lf25893l YEAR TIOELAND 71 7..L/ 7r^ 751 71 fI l4 Or u::; K5 38' TRACT 46 OF DAVID SHELTON'S D.L.C.#37 ~~/-\7)j"'< ~~~4 ~ ti ..:kui,~ ...f- -";'-/'2-000 . T , I! I TITLE HOLDER CONTft.j~T T : ' August H.Wagner et u :(')(OA/) PLAT ACREAGE ACREAGE UNIMPROVED "-.. .. j j IMPROVED .3;( 3~ .:.....'''''.~,<.,_._-, . i , , , I 1 I' '. I , 1 1 I I ! I , , TOTAL ,:.:?.o , , , 1 1 ,-1 > , 1 I , T ! , , RD SC S 30 LOT BLK SEC TWP RGE DISTRICTS AF DAVI~* PT UD FD HD CD SAtSS: S 3 ~ 28,\)00 VALUATION B OF E UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAl I 2670 10930 13600 $3~() .;:l/3t:.b ';;7.;2.00 .c::; no tJ ..:z f."? rl>. ~ I ~ s:Pf'I , = --'=> CJ TIDELAND I....~ ~ Ss ;It 9'Z- IJ ...~:.io;;-........ .57){) 0 "/~""fi'(') ::;: ):i;K'rl lie:?! u (Pl/oc\ lRc",O() /() 500 1 t? /I/}{) I // L.OII -e-- e -cr Idilj/j;) 1..1/()tJI 17t.a 0 r--. 0 -e- .,~....';";awc."'""" I I, ., j; ~.#.; Page 6 in Plat Book Formerly known as Tract 1 of SW SW, 18-20-3 Beginning at the NE corner of Lot 4, Block 31, Mt. View Add; thence NEly at right angles to Washington street, 180' to NW corner and I.P.; thence SEly parallel with Washington street 120' to intersect with the NWly boundary line of B street; thence N 61031' E 52.10' along NWly boundary line of B street to its intersection with the Wly boundary line of 13th street; thence N 12023' E 60.60', more or less, to an intersection with SWly line of Laurel street; thence NWly along SWly line of Laurel street to a point thereon which is NE, at right angles, from the I.P.; thence SWly 100' to I.P. Also: Beginning at the NE corner of Lot 4, Block 31, Mt. View Add; thence NEly at right angles to Washington street, 180' to SW corner and I.P.; continuethence NEly at right angles to Washington street 100' to SWly line of Laurel street; thence NWly along SWly line, 30'; thence SWly at right angles to Washington street, 100'; thence SEly parallel to Washington street 30' to I.P.