HomeMy WebLinkAbout320182560090 ... -t-{D't13 I DESCRIPTION: PLAT DAVID SHELTON'S D.L.C. #37 LOT 9 8LK # ACREAGE (j: ::J...{;"7.'T'J~ h2Q SEC TWP R~E .. 1 I, ; i ---- " ___=----~__'.~L_ ... 11 RD JlISTRICTS A;r:6AVIT 'iEAR AUD. TITLE HOLDER CO~t1!ACT h-O: --scrPT IUD fO HD CD SA Est .. I IJ S 309 /5 3 5 S this abstract card combines form r tra,ct 9, 10, 13. / 67 i 223070 l!'u b I i c Hospital Dist I I , ----r---~- . - . _6~a-i-23.81A.L~-1.J~ohn H r:onnoJ~t " .12. L2153J.2.-1J.aIll",s-E...GonnOJJ..\o'-.,.e.t I,,, +,+, b"f I ; ~ '-'ospLtal ru I ..JL! .~I(jf:? _~~ I i c Hosl' i ta I D i st ; d 1111 ~ .n-K'/] #50822 .. -I Ii . I ----- I ,. ~ ----- i I ' , I .--1-- I ... t 1 I ------ ! i , ----+------ ACREAGE , VALUATION ~ 8_0f E VEAR TIDELANO UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOJAl TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED 8UILOING TOTAL 7 ,;.? %1 (?:J4~ 7,/,:) ~ Lt- ' (; t./ 1/..4; k c/ f-/ ";0 .r :/ f'" c) " ...zf ., " /00 :;>, It:. r.m l/c 9'~ .. ' . 7t:. 1 d/... -"I" / \ l.JL "'i7' ,) 1~ - .......... - .' -4---- f---, , -1.)~'i'~I) I =1 I . I 1 I , I I I , , I , .- ---I I ~7_ -oil , j , L , ~ "J,,;< ",_"",.1,_., .....,. .".L .~-.i:. -,:-':_~.....-;:,~:~ ' , r .^,~ k." - ,.I,~gn a,t a ~t N61"32'E 60' frm SE cor of Blk 5, Callanan ~.J"Mt Vw Add; thn N61"'32'E 280'; thn S86018'E 483.76' mil to Wly r/w line of Island Lake County Road; thn S04036'W alf said Wly r/w line 838.94; mil to the N line of unnamed alley N of Elk 12 Callanan Add; thn N89028'W alg N line of said alley, 221.43' mil to the E line of Gang Street ext Nly; thn N28028'W alg said E line of Gang Street ext 829.31' to ip. and bgn at the NW cor of a tract of land heretofore conveyed to Publ ic Hospital District #1 N61032'E 60' frm the SE cor of Blk 5 Callanan's Mt Vw Add; thn alg the Nly I ine of Hsp Tract N61032'E 280' & S86018'E 73.99'; thn N 468.45' to Sly r/w I ine of a cnty rd being an ext of "K" Street in Mt Vw Add; thn Wly alg said Sly r/w I ine to a pt N80052'E 63.58' frm NE cor of Blk 3 Callanan's Mt Vw add; thn S28028'E 338.95'; thn S61032W 280' to the NW cor of Sik 6 Callanan's Mt Vw Add; then S28028'E alg W I ine of sd Blk 6 and its ext 300' mil to ip. and bgn at a pt on the N I ine of a tract of land heretofore conveyed to PHD HI, whch pt is N61032'E 340' & S86018'E 73.99' frm the SE cor of Blk 5 of Callanan's Mt Vw Add' thn s86018'E 369.20' to the Sly r/w I ine of the 15 Lk cnty rd; thn N04036'E alg sd Wly r/w I in 481.44' to Sly r/w I ine of cnty rd that is the ext of "K" St; thn N88! 15'20"W alg sd Sly r/w line 407.23'; thn S468.46' to ip. ~~;~1 1.1.;.,_., . >"'-. ~,- '.,- '...",. il-~.;,.:"_~-",_,_'~d~"":.""_,,W" '. ,,,,.i'!t<,;;r_~;~~_,.....;,~_'~ _ l"d.'c.," - . ~,_