HomeMy WebLinkAbout322325300010 DISTRICTS ~, . _ . V., File .... NAME of OWNER CONTllACT TO IALE PRiCe Rd. lob. P." PUO 'PO - <;2 108h.7C James F. McNutt et ux 2 10 1 L {"o r?::f: :..? -1{ft,t J L ~ /:,-(...tJ/ /%47/1 .'.J...,';::; {; "'/t. 000. (Po 1)-'1/7/:<' (?~. J,.,.a .zb /.t>t32.. ~, , t,t, ~:l/J~ ;r 7'1" ,f?:3S/0:3 z: ~6.3/:T / UP .;t~ I-d. (/ 'If?8S' "'- f- .:::'...... .< ,..-'r' I/l ~ 1)).. 'Jj dn .m",.." ~ D . P &;; Jivu.) / gl / '-Io~ ( & L N 11 1/ ~ pili ;;U 5 ;f L-/ o ?)'16t"':"DrY I'J',...--li.. LA , :3 N/.5 7 ~Mn %/. 3/830/ ~ /1. ,rrV 'J,Af,' "liEd" .-r. It e7. ~ 4::t,jtJ{'*-'lfl.tO. U , f--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------------------------------------------------~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS (p .,p 0 Y..r Oylter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyltar Timber Unimproved IMproved Improvamantl B.ofE. (Bulldlnp) VALUE <5' /. -IS' I-'/~- <,Loa .iJ tu) b' 4.70 t/. 71) 1t,,'Y; /'-"'r~ ./z 33c:JO 330c I.;? /Jd !:" d ,ftJO ;;;'/(00 J.' {) "'){ ,- ~ ..:/--.... ,~ ;:><"_"/1 . -;":.t1h ~~, t~7 RIJt1/) f/!/} 0 Jo - 0'.' //.Ovc. 1/,( J . " v:" vo' ) 7/ ~ "~-, / /,: ;;;-0 /, c . /.1 Y '.1;/) ;- _."/..((. () 77 L/,' t'(;{' L//1CCC Yo 'ioS'oo S''f;J,b5 14765 <21 /4;}, 7;::0 C4,~ _:-:-'- /'1701;:: ;f~ IJJ,5~ U/"1(.1l) j<-'f;J ~'.... ) I LOT BLK. ~ SEC. TWH. ROE. TWANA TRAG TS f!litg'k '1.... ....21~ ... .~ ,&'Tax 851-A T.~:.. ..Pi! ,... ..-"-';'c.. ~'...'-. . - - ':" ,~- ( A tra"st ef,J,iind situated in Gevernment Let 2,. Section 32, Township 22 Nerth, Range 3 West, W.M., particularly descr~bed as follews: Beginn;ing at. a p<9:l,nt on.the_ SClutb, line of. sa id...Government Let 2 whic~ is Seuth 89~21' Ea~t 312.6 jfeet fp'm the Seuthwest corner -sf 'sarti' Gevernmen~ Let; 2 ;'said t>llctien" Tewnship and Range;. thence Nerti\ ()e56li West 11080. feet , ..!IIer,e:er ~sa, te_ the Nertl1erly line af saidlGovernment Lot 2; thence SIJutheasterly, along the Northerly line - ef s!1-id G'overnment< tot. 2; . 420.7! -feet; tpence- S.uth Oe56' East 756 feet; .mer:e er:.less, .tet9l'_ ..N.!!.rtr ilin!,e,f tl1e_~!'1as~Ilic ~ract"; thence Nerth 8ge21,' West i aleng; the NeI1\h line! ef said "Mas.n~c Tract", 164.2' feet; to..'the~ Nerth~e5t corner-efsaid,,-lIMaseni-c' iI'-ract"; thence Seuth, along the West line .of said"Ma$.nic._Tr!,!c.t~._ 21Q feet, mere! or less, tGl the Seuth line :.f saili Government Lot 2; thence North 89021'West ' 236 feet-, more erless,' along tht4 -oeuth line'of,saidGeverll!llent Let,-2. te the ptlint.....QL.beginning; saJdl flindpein,g also known and d~sc~ibed as Tract Nes. 7,8.9 and 10 ef the unrecorded plat of Twana Tracts. Except right of way. - ; J ' Alse, all tidelands et the secenq-class; situate -fn front -1, adjacent te er abutt,ing upen t'he !lbove d,escribed upland.. ! ,- " 6~_h"( 11' -~" ,"- , . ,j~' <~;. ':' .. 'V,(!_. ~ " J.0. ~ #~.:55/"3 ~: ;'1~/7 ?z-- .i - j- iI":,~"~'( :~Ul _.r'~) V., FU. ... NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS "- IALE PRies Rd. e... Port PUO ,po &;2 11210" Warren Lea Gazzam 2 lr ..l... IT, ;l Io/'dl/ .L ~ lb If) I ~ / , L K .~ f-- . - - - - - I- - - e-- .. - . --_:_-----------~~-- .- - ,. . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS y.... Oratar Tlrnbv Unlmprowed Imprond TOTAL - TlmlMlr UnlmprovlId ""prowed Improvements B.ofE. (Building.) VALUE 6,;l, /..35" I- 3S .,Loo ,.,./0 i) "/ , - I LOT ILK. IEC. TWN. ROE. TVlANA TRACTS r -, , I , , I , , I , , ~ / /., .,/ .- /.. ) -" ./.~ c..... -- ~A~.~.~e.~ . . y- FU. He. NAME of OWNER COIlTllACT TO DISTRICTS :c '. -. IALE PRice Rd. .... Port PUD FPD - <;2 11210' Warren Lea Gazzam 2 10 1 L g~Y' / .LL 'Xi ..L tj!J~ / iL LH Y.ar Orller 5'~ I LOT BlK. lEe. TWH. 14 NUMBER OF ACRES Timber Unimproved Im&mwed ! '1'5 ROE. TWANA TRACTS - VALUATIONS TOTAL Improvemants (Buildings) Orl.r Unimproved Improved Timber /. ~.,. 40a ~ .:-c.".......,"" ~,""...~_. - r: .-...- _'~ ~ . ; - t ; , I ~ : ~ .~..~R~l...s . b.;'; 1 //).0 n', ,,0 /~_,Z,?- ...- B.otE. VALUE ?,otJ '. '- I DISTRICTS " ': - , y... FlI. .... NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO - IALE PRICE! Rd. .... Po" PUO FPO - 'i2 Warren Lea Gazzam 2 10 1 L .2.. ~ - ..L k. L. 1/ I / (n L If , f- - - ----t=:~.a-------------~-------------------------------------~-----------------~- '.r.V-~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS V.ar ",..., Tim.... Unlmprov..:l Imprond TOTAL Orater Tim"" Unlmprov..:l Impftind Improvtlmenb B.orE. (Bulldlnga) VALUE S;J.. /.33 1.33- +oCJ ,,/ <) () / LOT BLK. ,- ,~ . ,~".'~'~~-.-;..' . SEC. TWN. ROE. T\'iANA TRACTS i I i i i i I i I i I , I . ~r .. TW.A.NP TRACTS ~------_..,' I .) .-.....L " , :/ , '. c . --,----- - .~ ''''" ..~ . , .'. re/,;-,.,- (/$( It).;/;~.,,~ f hJ.'" .~"'" .. - y", File Me. NAME of OWNER CONTltACTTO DISTRICTS 350 SALE PRies Rd. .... Pori PUD FPD I- <::2 108l.7' James F. McNutt et ux 2 10 1 L ;? 1~41 I (; L S'I .L iHPL L 1L L .Ii - - - I- - - - - - - I- - - - - - ~--- . .......- ----------------------------------------------------- . , <. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS y", Oy"', Timber UnimproVed ImproYM TOTAL Oyster Tlmbtir Unimproved InlproMd Improvemenb B.orE. (Buildings) VALUE s;< ~s- 9...5- , . , , LOT BLK. \ TWANA TRACTS i I I I I I I tl_..1 SEC. TWN. ROE. , ,8<;1-A ". .1 , "'- ,~_. ..-~.... '.0 , l'~ -' '- - ~