HomeMy WebLinkAbout322325300007 v.... FII."-. NAIIE of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS "- Rd. Iclh. Port PUD FPD &ALE PRICE! <;2 118 "l C Edna R. Johnson ~L'I- 15'-/613 o-~- l/ j IS , ,'Iv,;Z ~-rr L"Tj .__ j,/'q /' 1/7 L j 11/<7":;7,9' E 7/ ~ - /P // // JJ~ -(, .,..-) .il- ./ 4/15 ~l('JJ 7J._;g.j .0/11<:',/,/, Ct /.77. , ;(/."'1.) -:; I i/ /J , --tl), , '/!' .I/J . 2 lC ;< 1:Vd'd i .1 "1>/ I tf04 / 1/. ,;J j ;/ fl. .~L JcY. __.,I- f ,/ ./;; :;(~'. z-: C'f. I , IT, / (., L. I G, L Ji "-'1/UJ /I d" ,/ 7Ff'1'/(, 9(',",n " ~-:/7.s~7 v 17"'- - ~ <,~c>,97':;y' ,', " . P . d. '/ ' J": ] - {OJ -1;.3'c,<, /"'to'(') C 1----- --- ---~--~~--------------------~----------------------------------~----------------~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS VOU ",..., Timber Unimproved ImpfOv.d TOTAL "'..., Timber UnlmptOv.d Improved Improv.menb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE I ~-~ I ~.3 It 3- .20 '7'00 1'$0 J3,:;-d I~ /,('3 /.&'3 20 t/oo /O~O /</ to 1h'"4 /.(.. 3 /.C,3 ,;z" Y'<?O /0&'0 /9.?d "'Z~ /. C>3 /,{,3 .Q..- 9'<?0 Jot () /9(,0 01 u,'3 /(,3 1:700 //3C .:{ 035'" I;,t " / '~.::- ./ '/. " '7/;,416 , /. /,- ---..J r/. -:'-' L.7 ::; t9."~' /.;1/::- 3'1/>' 70 , - ;I. /'/'1.A .' .J--F3{' ,0/,Je: 1"7/ I ,f~c.; -::-;;J~-~~ :::'-:/0 _J'--- 171/ 1/.' //;. 'j [(; ( r; 2C , t,'}:J() 77 1..:;,.,.;",1/. I '1/ s;-: 3',/,/,.<'3 !:> , fiT /(. " , 1 ~ ". 7&' 75"0 ;;.. 7,_~ '///so f?) - fr '. ~ '.,IL/'J ,3tf~J / '1' ),,' ) "-' I ;) / / LOT BLK. ~la1m1'b ~ 101 crJ1 . SEC. TWM, ROE- TWANA TRAC TS -- ,of, &. T.L. Ex. S. 32' .' 'c ~1NANA TRAC . -----~,-.- ~_~hn _ __ __ A tract ef land in Government Let Twe (2), Sectien thirty-twe (32), Township twenty-two (22) Nerth, Range three (3) West, W. M., in Masen C~unty, Washington, mere particularly described as follews: ... . _J ~ __. _ _ . _ _ BEGINNING Cit ,ap.Ei1int whj,c_h!i~ ~o~th.a9!2l;'. East, 712.60 feet and .Nerth 0056 West 2l0:feet from th~ Southwest corner of said Government Let. . TW~. (2). ;- :r.un-th..ence 'No~th- oe~6.j West 756 fe. .~t., mere er le.ss, te. the 'No~herly_line ef.said Governmen~ Let Tow' (2); thenc~ North 80045' East ,aleng ~aid Nertherly line 100.aO/feet; th~nce S~uth Oe56' East 774 feet, -- ,mere er l~ss to ~he.North l4n~-en rbe-Uni~n City Lodge,No. 27, F. & A.M. Cemetary .Tr~ct. the_nce B2rthage.2l \!es~_a~Cj':lg_s.a~d_Nprth line 100 feet to the peint .ef begfnning;) said ~ract being alsd known and des~ribed as-tract Ne-.6of ~i')e unrec0rded .plat ef.Twana -Tracts, being a sub- 'divisien of said_Government ~o~ Tw~. (2l,..E~~~pt ,th~refrom, however, the .South 32 feet there~f, andFURTH~R!EXCEPT;rnG ri~t-ef-way Iilf ~xisting Primary St-ate Highway Ne. l4(no~ n,-Navy Yard-Highway). ,.. . i i TOGETHER WITH tidel<inds Elf the' second-class as conveyed by the State ef Washington. situated in front df, adjacentte or~butting upGn the abeve described upland tract~ -j ,.<; .... _...i._______~ ';-"". .----..-----,.----.-.---.-..--- ---,-- ---_._~.,_.- -_-0'- _ '; , --j ___._.. 1- , - _,...__-~.. _-0. ir, ~ Jl, ; ~.'