HomeMy WebLinkAbout322325300001 , ~ . Y... FII. .... NANE of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ~ '3: , 6 IALE PRICfJ Rd. ... Port PUO 'PO f- <;2 7(. .20<1 Lya 11 Tracy 2 10 1 L 8/7'1 36MtJb R~f;J-jk,e~f/ d 7/.1f/ / h .L r9C'lfS' J' 0 9/80 380863 Raymond . -J. .. 71 I ~'{ / G L Ji #69673 D. Tracy'::>. , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----=---- -------------------------------------------- ---- -------~..,.--_. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS y", Oytt.r TlmlMr UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oy..... Timber Unlmprond I,..proftd ImDro"em",b B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 6.J ..7 30 ;:,..30 do 400 tJ <) /0 So 61 ;(..3 0 ..<'.30 ,?,o L,!"oo 69'0 /1/0 .50/' ;(,30 ;?.3o ,;20 / ?'<:1 c) ~ '10 /7/0 16t? ;l,.3o ';<.30 -e=>- /<7<70 t6 7"0 /690 r. ,". /~J.-c" . " . .;.-:///(:' " . /~1 ::/'~r"~1 c;~ ~) - ;) /..? ./) , - "i,; /7~;} _ L,7 .}.LJ Jf ~;2;,'. . .;;./'.... ' I- 5-> (') Y"-'L~) 7!. 1-: /-: . " (,/u ;~rt,' 6 "r 'fC,-;/t:' ,'., '?75: ( . . 77' .-Q. ;'() ..:J .3) .:{/;.-.,,, .8 _ =?D "'-c .0) So ..7i:'i /./0 /./..:,,- /ooc>t". /05'0= ')'1 lOONY, 6000 Q q~ &O::':;J [PCX\)) LOT BLK. . . " src. TWN. AGE. Tv.-ANA TRACTS rJtil3L3~~.k>lol~L1 /s~ '_ J,. &. T.L. (E 1/2) NANA TRACTS .~.~. . . - . ~ .- App 80QL.. ..,Al1 1;1. of the 2nd e in front of lot 2 see 32-22-3 with front of 290'65' .~~ mil measured along the ml ., i.: 4 i ' . . 'Beginn+ng' at a cedar stake set 5-" ~9021l E. .1212.6' feet frtlm the , :S.uthw~st cerner ef 'OevermneRt, Let '2;J...Secti~!1__ 3.2" Tewnship 22 Nerth, iRange 3 West,' W.M. . 'thence iN. Oe5,{> , w./9"-7 feet to H..d Canal j thence -5,'7ge;43" E. 101.2 'feet j"thence JS.i:6~.-56'-E. 910 feetj thence N.8ge21' '100 feet to the point ef be~innlngj said tand being alse knewn and :desc'ri,?j-d asTractNe~-'+ tne-unrecofd~icf plat of Twana Tracts., a 'sub-divisien ~f Oo~nment Lot 2": Sect,ienI32,-To:Wnship 22 Nerth, Ran~e__ 1;3 West; W. l:\.------ I , . .-- E~cepC;ight ef way. ' . w. j ~ --1_ jNew description per QCD AF# 380863: J A tr at. tand in Govt Lt 2 32-22-3W.W.M., daf: Beginning at a cedar 'stake sEit S 890 :21' E 1212.6' from the SW corner of GovtLt 2;...th'N 00.56' W 927' +- t.o Nly i ine of sd Govt Lt 2; th S 790 43' E 59.6' to POB) th S O? 56' E to Nly r/w i ine of PSH #106; th N 890 21' W 9.6'; -th S 00 56' E to S I ine of sd GL 2; th S' 890 2iT E50'; th N,Oo 56' W 910' +- to N I ine of sd GL2; th N:790 43' W'alg N tine of sd GL2, 4i.6' +- to POB; EXCEPTING r/w for PSH #106; sd land being also known 'as a ptn of Tr I of unrecorded plat of Twana Trs; ALSO all t/l of 2nd <;:1 ,formerly owned by State.of Washington 'slt ifo adj to or abutt upon t.he above descr up I ar<d. "'. ,~,. ' . . "'; . , '.! -. . IWA-AJ A- TP--A-c. + ~ ',,,. '<t', t~~,: /r. ,,' (~. "'-.:.e . --- ~.:-. 2"" a...u. ,:2. ~o/:V.2. - , . .'J ";:>!l.' ',.,;,:,.._ tr