HomeMy WebLinkAbout322325047018 Year file No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS _ ,-~-d SALE PRICE Rd, Sch.IPorl. PUD 12.Q.. --! - .;:,2 1.../; a"J-V~ d.. /0 I ,-- r;" ~ / , .2 bi ~ f~o-.-- L .k... ~ - t:;H ~:;;';% //A J GO,J~ J'I I 101 1 {" L H ,(y -;;?3.23~ ,L/'/l. ./ ~ /~/ .#-""yeo J j /0/1'7 33{' Jtl t 6(; ~j<-dlL-Jt<-d.i..,pU:Iu~ .f/L ' ~OD It .::))/ ~ 'i '/ ;:; V I .- ~-.' -~-~- -- - NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timb... Unlmproy.d Improyed TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved jlmPf'Ovemenh I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ..5.:) 7u JdtJ 5a-o .a3 7,) .;r~o 0/d .:>--<J /d:;;~ ~~ 7..2 .i' S1 .;20 oj ~-1sfd ;:J.5 /i; (;,1 ~~~V '1 /' dOOd '7-2 0 r19"2", c,(" O',v ,:2.j'V D / /_5ZJ j'c...2>7) 76 ~~ 1'j, 50uc) ':;;jQj /30J 11 .,.:J'~.(' '--c',-?,") 3'c:?C;!O .-P //d <.> N IJnn" //l/JOIl r:oLJO I~Ol/O , 77 Ie ~;-oc; 5""':-;) ( I/. .:-.?() ~I , hS'7~1J :;., J() / IS-&' 4c('J 9,.2 1;,/70 co ;207/Jd It. 7 700 2~ III.... ~ ;-t': Ib/CC 10335'0 LOT BLK. ," '-TJii[~1i1{~t)'.~_~ SEC. TWN, OGE. !'y",e ~N"" S" t9oj, 4'1_ .~.~/W. Tax '1()H~~p,~70J.-cL;u;_13O~==g: ~O~., . " ., .t..- --. ""'!I, tax 703 A; all that portion of tax 703 included in the following described tract: bgn at a pt on the Hly '-'Ie! of HI,''':'' :-rhere the 1:Ly line of Lot 18 111<: 47 Hood Ganal Land R: Imp Co Plat of Union City intersects said "-/:1 line, thence " c:Con~ the": Line of sc.id Lot 18 to the ':. line of " ':lulkheac' c 'J~str'J.cted there0:l..; thence ..: ::.long b'.ll:.r,l:8~(1_ to the ;: 1-; ne of said Lot 1 9 thence in A S1-.rlJ'" c.irection to the ~ine of Q l:ccd.:n bnl:-cheG.d ~.-Jhich starts in Lot 19; thence don;:; said bul1-:1,e:od to the ',1 line of s:uc' Dlk 19; tl':e."loe "1 t" li 0 "T' 19 " . t 5"'" f ., 'f' th ;: .. H O:QG [,;.8 .. l1:e O.J.. E::':':"C', .....0"'[. vO S. [)01[:1. 'J ,0 .s:c~c _I., ..; Hence:1 on cline 50' :, ~of said .tlc'! to the il line of Lot 23; thence S along the '." line of Lot 23to 9J1 intersection ,n. th the bul:~'1ead; thencelly 3-1one said bulkhead to the'} line of Lot 25; thenoe S along the ,I line of Lot 25 to the n ::/:1 line of Hi1-ray; thance C; alon:; said Rfi to point of bgn. ,(efer to SUprff':18 Court Decision--G,vlZ2..T'1 'Vs K3nt. "ax 703-", 736-"-2 a..~ScJ ~c:'7!T' .:r,3c;,/<f8 M-.{, T,t.. /"-1 ~vdr'" ,;t:c.r 17 1'1s of 2nd cl exte'lding to the line of exdlreme 10-" in front of that portion /i!4/C'J/7 of Gov't ill in .frc~t of that lJart 0:: GL _~_~, l~/i!:..g 54Yl f:--ont of Lots 17-25, ':'11-: 47 Plat of Union.... ;';XC:;PT rtf,;; for State :Ii1-ray 106, 9J1d thd part l:,'ing in front of Lots 20-25 and l:,'ing :; of the line of ordir,,,-"Y hiGh tide as established by decrees CEi.use ilho8S Superi or Court Eason :ClOlJ.nt~/, and lying S of a line desc as fol101-1e~ commencing 44.9' ;, of S.-I cor'ler of Lot 25; thence :; 85' :; 50.1' to ,ny li:18 of Lot 23 extender' ::l;)f; thence :J along said lot line extended ;.)1:" to a point 50' ;,; of ill;)' TIleJ't;in of c:./.l Hi1-lay 106; thence SLy along a curve parallel to and 50' ;! of said nly nargin of lUHay to Ely lot line of Lot 20 extended 'Uy; thence S along said lot line axtended to a point 361 E of SE corner of Lot 20, Daing tl:.e ~oint of interaecti0n of S~3_(1 lc~ line b:/ the line of ordinar:'l ~-ligh tide7 excepting c--~t.~ _. = J ,11 rJ/c... e lt~(, ~U eX ~r{ J-{ (/ , ; . ,#. I V' I~'-'~ \L J.-.~j 'C,' I. (/ " / { , r k~.' 11 ,I -1h/";