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-;:;- File No. -r------- NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,0 SA.LE PRiCe ,d, Sch. I p"rt PUD I fPD I I -f---' I - 8/7 30.5838 Mervyn W. Settle et we 3 42 S 3 4 #44797 t% ~-ifL 1/2 .0,0 (j.v:. 1 .J2 /, . \ ~I ) 'h -5 3 4 ~ H ~7(,.6'1t.,. ...J.L [,7,2,-,M~ ,,~t: '173 t/IJ{l, 2.3 II '/ "'1. J 'h.~ ~ ....tA u. ?- ~ b. r) .I, 1_, i't ?~ 7Z.~:~ o/sg I hi: ,/,.lL ((!4/UJ. H.) t::: c:;rr6 , 11//\ .=,-/p ~ !i.~3m ' - , =9~'7/~ --;gl, ~ ~ 4~<'>>14/1<./.d-M. .,(/(.<000 ,,/,o I - ----- .-:.~~j:BE~'~F-~~~ES" , , , ,'( "-.'"'- ' ' - I VALUATIONS Year Oyder TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timbu Unlmproyed Improved Impro....m.nh B. of E. - (8uildin95) VALUE 75 1600 160.0. 7L .;L.:l :! 0 ~;). to li 97~o '7'75?J Xl ..5EG 1/.R'75 4J?,?S 'N f--- 1,j'7~ 4.?7S" f-- - ---. - , LOT ILK. ---..-- __.0- SEC. TWN, 06E. W~,P:=.~~~ .c-.i"'::"~ ..- - '- ,~---' -l..l,~..~_... J .r-;'~"":~_~-~~7f""!t"-':-"';~"""':'-'" -~- "?-:'~~""-, ,','>0 . .....". _-.-_~,,~~ <'~ . (Tract D of Short Plat #1103) Lt 6, Blk 2, Walker Park Trs as recorded in Vol. 3 of Plats, pg IA; EXCEPTING therefrom the N 296' thereof; and excepting the E 15' thereof. ~~ ~-: '", ~ ,~.':"'~'~_~o, Except: E 15' & Tract 6-A -J.,d ~ ~ i! fr"'&~->-L II f} ~C-~~ v,) : .. ( ('. / "2__ -~ T -, ;) " '~,,"'>'''','1C''~'''~ , .',;, " , ,:'n~u_~