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Year FlIe No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,0 I SALE PRICE Rd, Soh" Po" 'I PUD ~ I 1201407 -"7 ,?f() #27512 7/7' 261B92 Rav 1;". C.leman 3 42 S 3 4 L H $19@00 'i/f)" 11:kflf P. T P. O. . , .J-,:u( !., j .5L I,~ / t:{,r,-' '." t( ,1; l I ~ -.2 ~ ~ I~ 1'( 'tJ..7'j37Y 5,',.(':'J. ',,' .', ern - r5.Y/FC!" w',{) ~.;- tJI/ISZ2 ~YYI~ ,f FL -4, ~. ~:. \ 'LP.~ ~.5Zo"o UJD U I / ~ a;--" , ~ ' _.,-. (.,~, ,<,~, , 1-1' 'u,.. ',;;<'II:~ NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS Y.ar Oyster limber Unlmpro...ed Impro...ed TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimpro....d I Impro...ed Ilmp.-o".menh I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE -- 7r. x'Oo /0 So-I') .;( $'00 7...' ':;~, /7,-~O ,:C' oj () ;(//276 7' ~C,..U d 3l/G CJ ;Jrc '/&'0 ..~ YI J.,TC;; ('~ l/~/_c>o ./!~4.q (J :lit 5?9~) __1 ~ ," , ..f;/;.:,/Q -, " \ LOT BLK. \ ,j,,iQ ~..til2LJfZI1I,2iVi SEC. TWN. RGo. I, " - '.-,'- " .. " ~'-' -'-. ,........':--..~:""""" N 173' e~ E 388' as measured aleng N line thereof, ef Tract 7, Block 1 I') '"l,';:'r J~';.<';:~;\. =~t, ~.'~\!:~'_ ~,~t_,~ Illgs- .tI t/'1C"J'J,,- qel? 4tA."1's c.;'-<4~ f;'6-~ ~ -v. 0..,<~~ t c~~~j...,~ f 'i4<--h /'" ;eo)" ;7'- <",..&-............." ~~'~)