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.... V.., FI!_ No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS :1:5 ;.;, SALE PRice Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD - - - - 1;2 117,11;7 Goldie RaYIllond Dowker 2 20 ,-'t 3- L ;d' 6-7 ~ - - .,,, f.,5/77 ~~~, ..;L .2tL <P 2- - ~ )Sv-., ~. "".L ~, U tt1 . ,~/..d' ~' ~./O/) d.. ,/03 I:]) 3 L II pJOb I ~ESIGNA TED C/ 7'( -ZL 2777))1 C'.R y Co, dL '.:iQ2 J2.. l g L H , 1>( J , 1.fo:3 b .1L L L H - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----~------------------------------------------------------------~-----------------~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved I TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE S;{ G.O bO i:?/, '?OO '70 n ~ -- L // ~' il ~ 01,:.;;1) ..:7..- ~~/ - ' v ,; , /:,,;0 /0:)C,) . . .~ - 71 ~ '//10,0 3~,'D 1L ~-~-- , ~ 'r 1 t)~. 0 I <-,'(?() UESl GNA fri'l 13 ED ,f,f." -:s: 7b ( /-. 7q .y 1.-:: ./;/5 -::7'.t) 95 ~ 7/ hj-? h - /.50 /.30 15 /,55 / -~ .,:j.,J 7(g / To r 7('; 77 c7-ro ","7/ ? 'J! ~ '';' - . 1'1 4 .(J r. If 0$ ;z.o ,.c; {;2"-5 " LOT BlK. SHORE ACRES. S~~I3~o"'...I!2JO~ SEC. TWN. RGE. TEE LAKE , 611-/ ' .DE$IGNA TED TEE LAKE SHORE ACJtES . --'....1 :", "-l',~~_ , , 0- " .' . d I ~ . NUMBER OF ACRES ~;I---;;;;;r I Timber I Unimproved Improved Xc ~~ ifl ~ DES. r) I 7J D '{ (, r; .; ,()S" -'I (J !: 11/ Ij,JS ?~ ---e----- -. 1--- f--- -'~-- TOTAL r{ ;~:,- <I ' 05- -^Iv\' ';,0<; ,----~ ,--~---,-- ,--,---1--, I. I Oyster ---,-,---,------------1--- ________1-_ -- Timber I I I I I Unimproved I Impr-ovod VALUATIONS -7.2n - .::< .C;, L/ou L/,2S J/30 '/,). () I I . Improvements \ (BlIlld\nQl) b .t?o B. of E. VAlUE ,;2:;z.o ..:<3s- '/00 71.:(.s- t/30 '/;;l, {; I 1,_,- :____===1 ,.. \ ~-' ! i "_