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Y..r FII. No. NANE of OWNER CONTRACT TO I D"T"'CT' '::/ t. -5 SALE PRICE! Rd. Soh. Port PUD I FPD 1 "- -----,- ~. /ff/72 ~ John L. Dumas #. / ~.2.cu. a...LIL ~ .lL 3- ....k. 1-- ",-)0 ' ~ /'7/30 ~ ~~(l!~/ (j, ,Ii, .nO. ' ... /,5;/73 I- -kL /'J"/3tJ; (Y",~ J 7;/, /0'f7 /7 ) //tI o \J - ~(p 'l {/ d ~ J2. 3 I--.f.. !L 7'1 ,L IJti.. l2.. ;;L ~~ Jl 't/ I ~ 'b 3- +< - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - I- -- - - - - -I - ,.. '" - - - -..:- -- -- - - - -- - - - - -- ~- -- - - -- - - ..--- ---- --- - - ,_. - -----t---- - -.------ -------------~:::~'-...-.,.-~ NUMBER OF ACRES I V ALUA TlONS Y..r ay.t.r Tlmb.r Unlmproyed Improved TOTAL ay.ter Tlmb.r UnImproved Improved jlMProveMentt B.of E. (Building.) VALUE ..D- dtJ ,;n ~ -- - ~"'O .300 ? ~7 ::';". :?'" - ;::>~ /, ~~ ;' '- -- ,,~-, a- 'l,- ) 7.- ,t /t , \ , L '). - - .-' JS (J /.5;.' 71 .~rJt'JtJ lq CIl'" .z:L :<2' ;.; /; 'I' /. ,v ." 70 9," Y',-I' /j n.. /70: 17,),0 -/,:, . C. " , .', ~2. ,;(u()o ,,). " .:;0 , J LDT BLK. rrEE LAKE SHORE ACRES ~~~>>IC) '-:t SEC. TWN. ROE. . 45.. TEE. LAKE ~, ;..-..~ --_..":"-...-. .-