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DISTRICTS ....-'1 Y..r FUe No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO ' .1/ ~~~~~/l Rd. .... Po" PUOlFPD ~?..b~ f-- -- - ---2..'L James R. & Claude 1,1. Hoar; 0 ~ 0 1 L $',3;2oQ 1"7 ~ _ -,,-- - o{/~ . Q.., " ./ ~ -' - . -r./;f~ '?t <toe 1 17 L 1-1 ;>.. 7J?7 / 8'1 ..L !::J:N I If , II ~ , f-- - f-- - - f-- - - - - - f-- , - - - - - - - - - f-- .' " .. _" ~ __.~~:-_____________~_n_':___"=':''''____ ---~ . ~--~-~--------------~------------------- NUMBER OF ACRES ~ VALUATIONS You Oyswr Timber Unlmprovtd hnprowd TOTAL O,lwr TImber I U.'mp",,," h.proved Ilmpro....m.nb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE ..m.. +".....C' /7n t,/O .Ju 4LdrJ ~fZo b,f"Q .J.k ~ ~ S.5d 3t:>i'f ?.5~ ff Ids 3t:J-0' 9'?S JfL 2.'7<" 33cy /t!Jdt> 10' ,~ ... ~7ti' 1...- ".' 02- /.3. {"'o' .2L .;zoot'J ~~~ ~4./l Pi ;Oil 'Z.,' .y60O '''0'... 1,(p rSaO ~ ~. 7'1 HSna 7~5() 1-2/?'tJ 'XI 101.';-, ;0 <j (;(. 0 ? 'j ct,o t2 JtlS/Y) !Oyt7i) b:1<i'l CO , LOT BLK. _. TWN. AGE- 13 p..J 31 /10 ~llT o~-/lo 101 <.1 ,.... .. , .. " , .' ,- "