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Veor FlIe No. NAME of OWNER "-'" .Don'31il B. B'lS0J:l. it- /'19814 /f-,c t.~2~ F:4//?t//.&:N) ,e::;,r,qre;; L" , r.r~ i~J'(,3s :lLJ j! /u4Jl d p.-f -.-;;: -. .---- ."~ ... NUMBER OF ACRES :roo Oyper TImber Unimproved Improved r,C; /,i, 7/) 7/ 7t/ 7(, '/1 74 8:: h CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ~\"r1 Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD --.---71 -2- 2O-...T.... .2-__L-_ , '.G~u ,;< 'ib.J.L~_ L iL ft.).L.stB T :>.., F L J:f.... .-:t /,/1M . '.. .. TOTAL Oyster , ~;; /, OC,' CA.._,. .~ltfJ.J 10/'(, I?", '/ '0v :.J ;"-.. LOT ILK. ~. SEC. TWH. RGE. I:fu:j~ /~sto P ~. - - .. .- ..~.__.,.. ~. ----- SALE PRICE ~/~g73 "'i9tF"i' 6IJ!./L_ , () .~ 7f'.;l~,:f ~..d .-jd .~, 1---------_. 1----.---- I ---------- ~ -----1 -....-.. -~_. -- :..,~ V ALUA liONS Timber Unimproved Improved ./~O -- :; (i,e- /"., . /3 /.a ;; 7&t? 33/)0 5t1{)C:' 330 u o0.)() .:3300 .T!lS~ ' Improvemenh (Buildings) B. of E. VALUE </'o()__ 1/:(; t'J__ /1' !?c:; -= 1-17,:'0_ I ~;:"- 0000. 3300_ .I "\, ': - :-,