HomeMy WebLinkAbout323305000009 V.., Fila No. I.H 7 7 :;,,,NAME 01 OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ......~.'..:;;. SALE PRICE' Rd. "'h. Port PUD FPD <;2 106~ .zu1iene L, Sceva 2 312 1 1 L --- l'r~'~ d I JP. - J.f' ~:-:li J~ .2. ilL. .L ..L L ...s~)'C - /'7' ~A~ ~ U h 11. J;! '././0 '" zf:, y /6VO AI l ~ .L ...L --'=- ..H - # y;J, P.7Y I%t, ~ 1'153'17 j, . j;:?/ {/~-,--.'(J. 7J;1/J./ hi' / A IJ ( - - - - - - rf BSoor"l UJLJ , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'--4IIt--~-----------------------------~---------,---------~---~-::--------------~---~~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oylter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements 8.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE .,s:^ .,;L.t, ,.;2 6 JD /.5'0 /~;:/ S.:i 71 . 7f ,30 7f/ () 3~o .f/oo K3 .7/ r ?J' 3D 4/0 ...;;-.;; 0 9'00 ./,4 ,7J7 .7;( /0 17'7(") f.;zo ..:? 3;;:J.O /"0 ~ /'77'0 o.,;:J. () ,:.:LJ/ cJ r-,/ 1790 /~7o 30/'0 ;/.;; ~ ~f1? .,,, ZA /..59& ~.5" i<S,';;' M L1 ~:? L.~ ' -"'" ~.3'.:;tJ /.~ '?',/'C ;.;, rX"1 ,1!7 5'tP~ 5;?f10 .3/ goo gg,;<(J I~ I / /,;' .z #5> 3 ~ (,,0 , ~~ liJ I~ 12~;z4Z1 b'ZW b'6'9bO :.,/ ~.A"" JltJ3rJ 4~~>?r, , 2/ X' .5" "1-<"" ,;{ :J 3Cu /" .' j":-c. (5 r ('1('0 1J1("'~1') '!.:;if.f)() LDT BLK. I ':11 ~ 3t,1 (J 151 or~ ~..aOi9r /C SEC. TWN. ROE. SANDAHL'S TRACTS ,'.,~- . t"l, &....T.L. 7':-. .! '- . ' . . ,- ~. " _'I'" Tract 14 '" I'hat part of fr. 14 inclulded in following description:J>>eginning at a point of the <>ly line of Primary State Highway ff9, N. 2)'22' ". 111' from its intersection with the S. line of said Lot 6; running thence N. 23022' n. along said Ely line of highway 124'; thence N. 66.3S' ~. SO,69' more or less to the line of ordinary high tide of Hood ~anal; thence Sly along said line of ordinary high tide to a point N 75'42' E. to the point of beginning of this description; thence .:i. 75D 42' ". 8S.31' more or less to said point of beginning; TOGETH&1 with a~l T.L. as conveyed by .:itate lying in front of, adjacent to and abutting on said property ;.,~J-._~- .-'.".' -_:.-~ 1 ( , ., L / , ' f" J//.,' , // , j "/- , / .../ ~ '. /' ./-. Vear FII.NO~ f 323 55';' NAME of DWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .. SALE PRICE Rd, Sch. Port PUD FPD - - - - ')2 .lJJQ92t A. W. Robinson 2 J.g 1 1 L - 3'/i' q rt1e.1s /1->ndn,I2~~ d. ~ L L L <1.fN" jq z. 7t. <Pj,,p - #' 3603(,; No~ Ys4 4z?!72S J, " ;; L 'Fl .L iJ!E.. I .L ~ :it =~~,c... "'" roOD 7"" -'.,','........... '- , U .) .. , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----4IIL--------------------------------- ---.-.-------- - ~_.'m NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yoar Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL OY$ter Timber UnImproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Bulldlng$) VALUE ..22 .J/" ,,;2 b /1) /~~ /7tJ .Ii ,;,,3 /,,3 ,30 .Jwo //</0 /51(') - , .5'/ ,&3 ,4 -3 .:f c) .,?t:,o /?75 2/&S ..2i ,t,j ./p .1 /0 / cf'.50 /7''7; 3~35' . b;rJ ~ J %.3'0 /'770 ;:3/, ,,5" to, / /?So ;;)375' 7"- .;;! ;J::;- ih ~% ~3/ (') ,;19,70 ~~ 1.1 , ,,;! %,7;0 #"',71; S? Or) fA ~23o 3<I~o i:?:J 9tJ 7t ,9'l' fj. S~/CJ 6930 1.?-5~ t1 '71 //JR~CJ '7.. 5 C) fP /P'77h 11 . , -tr ~ --#-- 13 }/JW{) t630 /75/(. JlJ., . /t>>% :;'17~ /3;:< f"t:; .35'~ '1~ -=4!7- ..~ (5- , ... ~ 'LDT BLK. 1 , II SEC. TWN. RGE. SA1:DAHL'S 'l'RAC'IS ,l""",1"J '~-_.~ ....._-y ,.,. .,.:& ~t"J Exc. Tr, -L A . .,..! ,,,j , ..- ---......-- ~- -~- -- - - "e fi/o/- '!'J.;8..3 h /0./1 ' :l.?- -----.~~ .- /-..- " ;;/ I / /-/ ~ /} ~~/ , ,', ;- /, I,,/: ',",~"1'1- j:I.tJ/J". 1/ 'p- /.', ~/I' 7, Jt::./,// cl..~)!./KI:,II- LI/ib:1 r::!b&.I? ;:, rh'/llc'II,}/';'j -'-!//L.../v' I. ".:; 1// / .