HomeMy WebLinkAbout323305000004 NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ....~ 1 ~:::;- tiP ~~5fltftf Rd. Soh. ~~~_ <;2 1610 S. Josephine Peterson 2..2l.f_l 1 L :, r: 7f.J. rY. . '7 / 2.. '&L _ L..L L j,5 /J.^-?y'7 ~.Ja:.' dJ , <t- 7' Y PI f <..fa.! .LLL H !.oL ~/6M3 7 ,,;7'/ a.a Il /J -/- . ____ 7/ ~6'i034 .--:oJ. - !?, V /I .\,~ ,/ b)'''-),1JJ5vl 1/.c,..+h i /I ~ UIi~.." J1 _==== '7/7/ .$r79C!~ //. .%'1 n /--.f)?~. 1"",,_ __ %4 ~~{}~4 ~;ft I /L lJJf~ __ 11/7 369839 ..k Rodrik Nilsson&.illL'M~'I",& I~". 1/-3'i.:2.S'J./ftnl.fl-JufJa.s.so-?-udt<-,t&'.1'. ) r-~/';O Ve.r File No. SALE PRICE' ~ ~;>~ ~9'd ~.:'JcJa 4 "* .270.! -?.!soo .." ,;:?'?6;r~ #bbUtlU $56000 WL> NUMBER OF ACRES ----4It~------------------------------------------------------------------------------~---- VALUATIONS Year Oyster Unlmprovlld Timber Improved TOTAL , CO ",,- [Ii. ",/ ,~ liAr ILl .~ ..7.33 .,), ,j' 5.. :2,3} '7 "'7. ,,- ~ 7 ;s I ~.3 X3? d..33 :<.33 Ih 1'1; W ~[ '; ,I- 64 /- t,f/ .67 ~7 LDT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. SANDAHL I S TRACTS ..~..'" .,J.,. "e-x, ~ _~'~..d. Oyster Imorgyemenu (Buildings) B.oIE. VALUE Timber UnImproved Improved </,0 <;'0 '/0 7'rJ /0 ~ //?SJ I'1LzLo /-3/&1 /,,/00 ,.,00 ,?,od .,57)0 ..sOU //</ c) /.6;3 () / ,?,;70 /7&0 d7~0 /2,';/0 E/cJ-;.o ~7<?tJ /.2d-rJ ./f' c7 /0 .:<7'10 /9-~o ),-;{7D 7'//':)". /~.5b 5"'.34IP fZ3 tJc1 >2.5i!J 0/ ~ FfC)t) i37~cY p..A.oo X' 0t5tJ .~J?tJ 1/I..f?tJ MUD ~/hO -~-~" 43$00 g 1tJ6 S'"u"oo dUooo ~?o 0 :z.'11/M 65'CbO C){)t', 707rJ( -' ,,,. '}.t; 'l~ 5'0;7'" JHJ~ i~'~I3' 3to'.5~IOIO 10 lol'S't '",". ~gQ at a pton the N'line of Govt Lot 5, se:~;~~2;-3- on the shore of Hood Canal 2-867.72 ft distant from the W line of said sec 30; thn N 26004' W 476,30 ft to-t-he IP of the tract of land hereby conveyed; thn N ')020' E 250 ft; thn N 74015''- W-1-79.22 ft, mil, to,the Ely line of, the Olympic Hiwy; thn S 9042' E 175.60 ft;-t-h~ 22011' E 166,74,ft; thn N 66038' E 71.26 ft to the IP containing 1.65 acr~mL~, sa~d.land being situated in the NE~ of the SW~ of said Sec 30, and also Known and described as Tract 7, of the Eu~ene N. Sandahl's unrecordE)si-pla't of Port-ronsof Govt Lot 6 and of the NEt of the SW~ of Sec 10-2)'';;), together with all of the TL of the 2nd class owned by the graIltorS; situated in front of, adjacent to,-ar abutting upon the within, desCribed upland, said TL being conveyed subject to the.. provisions, except~orts and reservations on behalf of the State of Washington conta~ed~ in its deed thereto, Ex, S 35 ft, New Description - now Tract I of Short Plat #648: That part of Lot 6 & of the NE SW 30-23-3W.W.M., and of tidelands in front thereof, daf: Beginning at a point N 260 04' 00" W 476.3' and N 030 20' 00" E 35' from a point on the N line of Lot 5 of sd Section 30, 2867.72' E of the W I ine of sd Section and TPOB; th N 030 20' 00" E 105'; th N 860 40' 00" W 134.61' +- to the Ely I ine of PSH #9; th Sly alg sd Ely I ine tap which bears S 680 29' 14" W from TPOB; th N 680 29' 14" E 91.20' to TPOB; TGW al i 2nd cl tit as conveyed by State of Washington by Deed dated 9-20-27 and recorded in Vol. 49 of Deeds, pg 409, lying ifo, abutt upon sd premises. ~~~~.--."-- .. .- -'- Except: Tract 7-A I I i I I I I I I I I . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE I~t? ,101 .ft,7 7i~nr. 97CQ 7-1700