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Y.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .J5<1 SALE PRICE' Rd. Ie.. portlpUD FPD If........ ~ H.J.Harsche vC.'V7T 64 Scott and Hattus 2- .2.0- T ':\ .L... ~4;Jl)O .-!d.z. ::; .' ~/ ,_ 1;-- ' , / / / r' 3 g L- I~ 't:..! /11 , ~/Z. J.-f,IJ..../ 2 ;1.0 T k :;'oo$. q6 ' , ld ~3 1.Lz' If, fr....,,,.. r td ~/hjJ! Jt-t;i. J I ) ( T 3 g L- "I, 1 ~b-3 ~'7' " 3/Ji;? !/ IW"'J~ 17'-;. 'A ~ it-?' ?:F 7?)~~f..( :rJ~th k ~ - I- 'l-tJ), -'/5/-3;)- ~; 30516/ I'if , ',. .)1 I i./u 2, =r ~ Lt- , 1l I':<M^-</.u ILl. ;dJ5, :~* iH- 'IT #' 4-'4/';'<1'</ .' 500 ( ff'l'';{OU - - - - -- - - - e--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ---- ~~___'_ _____ _~ _ _ ____.___ ___::~.:...______________.: ~______ _ _ ___________ ___ _~ 5":~"':-. ~ .;..,'" . .~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y... o,lt.r TIMber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Ollier Tlmb.r Unlmprovlcl InlIProvlcl Impronmllnb 8.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE fp4, 5tJ l) SdtD -"- ,..../;1 ~,?..t:. ~ A:: ,:.//:;.. ~ ./J1~ ",A__ A ''''j .;]JfJ ~ j1J Jaoa' ~ ,.' () 71 ~~M) .:2 tJ(tJ ,6- 7!L Ii'C .,/ ~-c../J ~~<C n.. *'~ 9..5P.ti .tI- ..s-7~ ~ "F2Sij * (!.@>., -Y.5al cI. 4fs4d ~ '1':-;';' ". - ,/1 i , LOT BLK. ~ - 1312 .. J!l~ ~t:Z:t~:~.rn]~r S6 IEO. TWN. ROE. .2.. , .. . . ,,~ I , .., f Beginning at the Nd corner of L~t 14, Blk. 2' thence NEly 107.97' , a1uH5 a C.OU! ~e II 50"E to I. r., -'I .cnce lJEly a fa:) t&ncc of 105'.')5" along a course IT <;-ooE. thence S 2901')' E a distance of 95.40' ~ thence SWlya c'istance of 8'+.5" along a course of IT '+20'+5'50" E. , L:lblH..:E: '< l.;o2028' " ,. t ' of 10'+.46' to r.r. J. n a. G..l..3 ailc.e . . ~.-- "- "...-..-- --- - -- - ------~--.- -~--------- ---- - .._-~ , ......I'~ .