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ll"'" DISTRICTS 7C Year file Ho. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE ., 11 ;d'l:h. '; 'UO~ _. " - I 66 Alma K. Catto Inc. et al 3 4 L H ~,'7 IN,.) 7117 '7,'d R". ^ .;;l /~-'" < " ,; , $/1., ? 77$'t;f e~ AL .IJ. 7--; t,.,~ ,,,PAl< II. h "1) . -'" 1%,,- :;.5?4b;;).'5 v .1 .. I/. IL ~..J. / JL I) -: c '""7'"11?'l ---rr ) ( " ~M %5 /ltJ.Z68. /JtG~ /1 L/. .c.v<;~r;) 7/ I ;) S ,,\ d / fl yJ/) I I I ::::::tI:~~, I ~ .. .. - .. ---~"--'--">- ,.~ ,... . . --,.." ,~ .. . ~., . .. - NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimpro....d Impro...ed TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimpro....d Impro...ed Improvemenh B. of E. (Building5) VALUE a - /eZE /..,7 .fy 1.'1 /AI:U~ /1') ,OcO 7'/, " . "J..~.c ..etge,o 12. ?,~/^ .., Z1 () 14 /( {'c/ #h2CJ 46:l.o ",,~ I ~..- .5'"~ jfJ' ! -- . C}! l'1lloo 7 'II) 0 ,;(~'too "\ X'1 s 7~D It:. :::-~.-,/) =?::>bS6 . BlK. ' . lOT :3 ~lol~l Y1s.TYloP-1OI/i31 SEC. TWN. RGE. ;2 S~OOKUU IEW ". A_. ~,.,~,. . '",",-- "~""-'~~~,;""--..:.i~:'.~;"~;""-"...~,;..-",~.....' ~~ .~ ."c.