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Y.ar File No. '12 l'I'iBg< 63 /4i9.:U..<;" DI ~f}jo.3.i>.. 'f:;. '1, r lic1J. n. ~~'M~' / NAME of OWNER George T. Booth et llX XJ";.A) (t!/J/T/I~AJA.// j . 0), ~-f.~ ll:1'S(J , OISTRICTS ~l? ~:;. P~'~~IL =1 8 I I 11..) ~ -.3 .!1. .i....lL (t1J. /D.#:-- pj",~ U M,rt.ll<=LL O. ./.7 Ji/~'L ',: 22.--nl..D CONTRACT TO SALE PRice a,."".~ ~16"$33 ---I- ~.,~. .."_...~----..;--,-,, .."...-~~., ____~:.--_~------.:.----~--.----~ J:.. ... '..~ Yoar Oy.ter ~ S;! /,!) c,/ t,G. ''I 16 7.2 -N. :~, 11- 1\/ 1'1 LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. t. . NUMBER OF ACRES Timber Unimproved Improved ROE. SKOOKUM POINT .L...~:, . ~ ,- .'. VALUATIONS TOTAL Tlmb.r Unlmpro...ed Improved Impro....m.nb B.of E. (Building.) VALUE .;:{OO ,;i.t?,j) 4100 fLoo ~<:Je t'$ao (.,Ot'> /00 700 7.tiCJ / ..u; S' 75" - --etI _'7~~- b.t::.,/~ 47;,/ii{JJ) ~~d h6/Sb ~~o //.$bD ~ /,3t:JOIt> /.3LxJ <fl t/13 000 1../0 O(lo Y'(')o{-,() Oyster ~5~ ,-;, ;"'!.; 1000"/; 13j..2101 ;U1SJ/lola 10 l:t \7) .~:""c.,._."-c~."L,,~..._.._."n~ >--1