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~ DISTRICTS , You Flle No. NAME of OWNEft CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE Rd, lah, Port PUO I FPO #19'100 62 /9-r 7,'0 Donald G. Small et ux R .w . Adkins .L: ~ S ':l cJ ...L.. If J2800 - t/l/}/J 0,/,.... .q (J - 1/) 12-<'. ...-./ r2' d?i.'-n.u - I-- .:tJ- - - - - ~7i~1 fflJt< ft 711, /j)"A/J. < ~~oo 7f!:77 - / - - j., r; 1-12::((- jq Q-4-'Y1....e.L J/;, I/bUA-d/J . - - - - - - ~,"I ;/ >' ,,' , .. j I 7 /, ~8-1';~~ - - - '-7 - ij~ ,,~~ 6~ ~ tJ. 7Jl~ IiwAh "Ita 0~ ;/)i) - - - - - - 'J~{J '7'[2_1/'1'1.0)./""- I~~-f da/l>1&--2t <; l,.-"673yoti' - - 1''''0 ?.s-c> keJ 0 , - ~ - - -- - - - - - - .---- - - - - -- - ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I -- -.- . NUMBER OF ACRES [ V ALUA TlONS Y,.r Oy.t.r Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved TOTAL Orater Timber Unimproved jlmprOVemllnbj B. of E. Improved (Bulldlnp) VALUE ~.l .390 I I c39tfJ - , L II.; , /,: ,;; .. - .it- " - - --, - - I '--- f - ?-I I - 0 c' 1--9:1/ _ I~----- - us.. 12.2t2__ , '/, i I -"--- ---I -- -, N 't:r> /' t () {, ;JI.U )(p / ;/ !:12:~IIU I') ~ ' - 7~ " /' .',' 17" /':: ~~(~~- I'" , __... .f"'.., " I /) , }.. I ,( , \\ . -j " '-./'J - ;/:; / /' I 3 I,~ ') .2!J.I.EL - / , , , i 1----1 / l- I I LOT BlK. /S 10. a"". TWN, ROE. 1 ."."-",, .- - F- - .,' ;r ir 3'-1: (Tracts ~23 & 24 of Unrecorded Plat of Shorewood 2nd Add) W 217.8' of E 547.8' of S 330' of Govt ~pt 4 and N 10' of W 217.8' of E 547.8' of Govt Lot 5, 24-20-3. / ~~.cc.~. ., '--.- - - -'