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You FlI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE' Rd, Ich, Port PUO FPO HI - ?? 189llt'l Donald G. Small et we Don Henry 1 lt02 S 3 c;- L $ T .1-q j(?/l1i U,w...... //, _ czVA / ,.zf J' ,,/ ~ tJ ::.J.t//.,4 ~/ .J 2<;,/ /%P" 5- 'vIA r, _ ,./ ..;4C , ' A A./ 00 0/';;" m,' iL _ 0';/, Y ,---J- - - - - - - ~;;J.r.73 ? 1';1. 774 .'-)000 // - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -' -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~,-,~ NUMBER OF ACRES [- VALUATIONS Y..r Oy.tar TImber Unimproved Imprond TOTAL Oy.tlr Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenh B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE J.L /00 ~fl, k1 ';?G)O _~O ,- I' , / - , ".'-"C !.:.~, , ~~ ...... ~ / - 5? - : I", 2./ - '-.!..-'-"::""'- -, fJ- o/.t' , ",/, (1 ~ J - )-, , I / '?~Lo - 7d Ipc ' 19,,/ -It ~ /.': J; " , 7>? =" ~ ....:; 0,' ~ .~ I r. Q - t'_'f ,.rj .~'l :.,(' ~~'..: ,- II - , / ( + I I I LOT BlK. 3.2 {J Io2is';SioIO, DiD 1 P /:7 , - lEe, TWN, ROE. .8~__~ -- - .... ---< ~.., g 1:1" (i\.t..ct 17 of Ul11"('c~Yd(.d Plat ~f ~h.e:rE.~~6~a ~fld ~\aa)_ S 7J' of TI 3231 of:: 217.801 of B 917.801 of 00vt le~ 5, SCGtlefl ii, P61mahi~ 20, Ral9.t;8 ). Tract 8-F (Tract 18 of Unrecorded Plat of Shorewood 2nd Add) S 80' of N 250. of w 217.80. of E 547.80' of Govt Lot 5, Section 24, Township 20, Range 3. '--~ " ~~, ...,~