HomeMy WebLinkAbout320245000026 --- - --, --- ,.._-,..,-----,----- ---------~_.. -- ,--, - *.,., . NUMBER OF ACRES V AlUA nONS . 79 1J.. U ' d, I d Improvem.nh I B. of E. nlmprove ,mprove (BlIildings), VALUE I /.P..7,-j' ::j'~', c: 7"'" J !o' ()()o.l, I'~ '.) '.. Lj 'leJ. 170 I/t' ,/'('1' I .', ,-:" f.,':.1i-C L I ! --I=il I ,I I -,----,- ------------- ~-- ----===J-=:=J _J-- -1---------.,------1-' - _ I--r--L~ -1----- ----,----'-- I L ---, ,,----1--- ! 'i :31~JOj~4 sio,OlO ~ \:2.:~ Timber I Unimproved 1 Improved I Timber 0'7 I ,':'.q -1---'-- ----- 1- -------,------' sec. TWN, RGE. -:>./ . I"~ - -~) LOT BLK. - Tract 4-E SOUTHERN PUGET SOUND FARMS '->;' ~ _- d2 ",j - (Tract B of S.P.#921 A.F.#381596) The N 225' of S 555' of that part of G.L.4, 24-20-3 W,W.M., lying Ely of the Ely J ine of the existing 30' wide private rd located approximately 537.8'W of the E I ine of sd Lot 4, EXCEPTING therefrom the E 30' & the S 30' for County Rd known as Libby Rd, and EXCEPTING therefrom rd rights-of-way; sd land being also known & descr- ibed as a ptn of Tr 4 of the unrecorded plat of Southern Puget Sound Farms. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the fdtr: BEGINNING at the SW corner of sd tr; th E along the S I ine of sd tr 280.10'; th N 06005'42" E 77.46'; th N 25010'59" W 35.99'; th N 86045'44" W 20.05'; th N 07030'34" E 85.00', +- to the N I ine of sd N 225' of the S 555" th W along sd N line 264.10' +- to a pnt on the Ely I ine of the existing 30' wide private rd located approximately 537.8' W of the Eline of sd G.L.4; th Sly along the Ely 1 ine of sd rd 195' +- to the TPOB. .u____ e--- .. Y.ar File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS NI BALE PRICE' Rd, Soh, Port PUD FPO - - - - - I;~ 117840 Myrtle G. Oberg et vir 1 ...3ili ~ ~ ~ ~2 WalL"" 3. 407- S- f ;-/ "'-6'356 .. ",. "V / 5 3 <;<; 56228 Walter s. Munson et (Gl n A.Hay etu:x r 1- . ...g UX(t.Tm c. Hay .)- 3<6 303- ... . (Au re7 Elsasser ) .. Td b/a " - f7,.".... ,"r: ..L.F 7 'T - - r--, IS/f () q.1 '/ " " d -~') /(} //. , dT 7 - - - - C'C' /PN'l1 - cc , . Ad. '/;).IL 1:7 u, ,J.,6 - - - - - ':;-r- I to-' . // I >4 , . _)U-"1 ../L, ,-7 " .". S_" , - - 61)~flA.., (, oS." 'fOOwCJ'- Yerr1r~nt~)d , /;;:'fJ :no - - - - 1'{;'7I'7,) ;Jr:<? C/';h/'tl 056D I-- - - - - - - - - - - - ----~--------------------------- ------------------------------------- ~m- NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS Year Oysur Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyd.r Tlm"-r Unimproved Improved Improvemenb B. of E. (Bulldlngt) VALUE I-?~ /-",.?/J /0,';; 0 .7ScJ 75,1 S) 3.J.O I~::<O d),t./D &'0 II/D =<';(0 /396 !>-c; 3.;2.0 17, ;{ c) ~C1, </0 (,0 /1/6 ;;? '16 I'-!t, 0 k .-'20, I/o ;:tJ,4Lc! - r3'.'lco .9-90 $;'1 c I_I . .;(0,(10 ~ 0, ;to :3300 t../5"o 3 7f)0 I.l..., I. .~~/f!)() , ?7i!J.G I) b~;% .L//. ~.;- ,<--,;,'" ~" ~ r.o / ,'," ,-' lu / p/ '::-/y /;"'.--:: :;.... /,,(?f:..-:' _........v~ 1j " ;J' 7 ) /J C ::l 3~ 7/0 I'). 1./1 - , 2/7u , . !.3 ''"/'~'' 1 " ~: c3t/.IOo I/Cl?C -'17160 E- ( ( 1 72200 ..:?:?I.:Iv 9<1526 d(" / IfD <~'j.:.:._')- - Cj""::,- " 1/'0~"J i..,./ ,"'" 7(' (e-., r...,. ,;J 1- ( .;20 ,~(, .7.n ~..k II 7Lf;z,o '707:;~ r(,,81. ;:: 7f ;;:;<..-J ':! ...., If 11 ), I }, ) 11.;1 I '-f,Jo 150 7_t:'..5 17~""K I LOT. BLK. 1 SEe, TWN. ROE. SOUTHERN PUGET SOUND FARM~ ~1~\Yl 1010 -I' , -...,.-.. ~A ,>,;L-,' '._', ,--- ..-. , ",.,'. , _' .d -..','.' . , -..,-: -, ~ Tr. 5 &. 6 The Ei ef the si ef the SW* er the NE~ of the SE~; and the Ei of the wi ef Gevernment LQt 6, Sectien 24, Township 20 Nerth, Range 3 West, W.M.; said land being alse knewn and described as Tract Ne. 5 of the unrecorded Plat or SQuthern Puget S.und Farms. The wi er the si er the SW~ ef the NEi er the SE~; and the wi er the wi er Gevernment Lot 6, Section 24, Tewnship 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M.; said land being also knQwn and described as Tract NG. 6 of the unrecorded plat or Seuthern Puget Seund Farms. .',." ~- --- - ---~_u .__-__,---,--_-_ c,- ________-__=.<=..'-~____ . ."', ~ '- ( , ' fe". .-". ? ( /"'::;';" <- G' <. ~~"I' . I I I I I I I T I -L-.. . NUMBER OF ACRES I , VALUATIONS . i Year I Oyster I Timber I Unimproved Improved I TOTAL r I Oyder Timber I Unimproved I Impro".mClnh I B. 01 E. I Impr';/ved (BuildlnQ') VALUE Zt .J~ 1'0 u, r ----- -- ' .Jl) ~/,;;~) ,"1/ Q.JilI,J"1.:6_"l /7.2 / 7$ r>,e" , -, J? 7~~1 ~ 7_'-"" ..r7 _ill () 6'3 ~' 1J,t,';</'J //O{J~,' &",I"N ,~!~ " - f!iJJ.' ..-/ ' / [, ' x) - , go ~----t-,'" .n ,,21,';;;' () ~ ,~,f( . ,:< 10!: I//J{U-, :?Jlt~ S5 -,...,. t. /fr.6'-/tl 1/t:Jt:JeJ I 7S%00 .:<53QIO ~ RtJ J"~ 11 ;/,_, C (I t1' :, 7.3<0:;- //400 ]S&'oa ~ 91{)~ ,--'- - , ~" t -. ~- - --- --~- ---- ---- --- -, .. I -----.-.-- ---- --~-~-- .----- f-- - --~ --- 1,__- -- --.-. ----- --- --- --=:J:___1. - -- ---- ------ ----- - ---- ,- ---' -' - I -' I I n_ ------ I , -----1 I I , , i , , LOT BlK. :31:do b.1c1lSiOT"lofOI:lt7J TUSE SEC. TWN, OSE. -V-OPEN SPACE _AGRICULTURE,,; T~ .d: 6, 7,,q _ FOREST " ~ - - _ -- __"" _-'._:1"";- ,