HomeMy WebLinkAbout320245000002 Vear File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I 'fI SALE PRICE] ;2(,(",'1c7 Rd. So'. Port PUD FPD - - - - - - 'i2 ~{1'6~{ Ray L. Drebis 1 ...iQ(: S 3.. - L - .:Ii;;;J. e}q Jl " 1/72 266824 Ross E.Hafner / fi!l. 2 3 5" 1,1' ill .$3~ 5...... 11111. 3 -;;w(J~ ~3b-33.fS ../ I. itt 0,. ,,~c a,6-C/j ~ - -' ',. -. - , (~'("' ;f / -<.{. .'ifl --'. .l f.--.~-L-1.j ~ ~ 373 iPyi? O. f? tJ..! /I.u/.- /. /Th. , .) I' , , , -I - - - - - 7Jo 87~6t,LfJ v'? . ;::: hllf;'re ET / N 12~ () ~,) 1/17 Ie; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r--. - --_# -:- ~.---- -- ----------------- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oydlr TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 6-,;/ .:J.&S- .2 .t.s- 100 /D tJ ~ /';;6 /,{ e;- 0; /7f'>/) k t' -'/-7 Z; It. ~o ;?/ :;'-r.. 1M /4-70 .;;J.7/0 <//J'o ~6 on }4/70 rz7$"o W"~O ~b .:. ~ /f?3S 3~/t7 x:;. '25" /all ' ..- _.~ /$;:7 3?/~ 5 j,/~ '70 ~% .&0~ 6'%7,) /~31" -1:J-- <97S4 .6%2P b &,;uJ -1J ~~ 1/ IS- /91'J t~1'1tJ .:l..5::l4,g 7,' I,''!/-) /'1' , .. "1.,-6 ~__.J...,___' d0- ' 77 ;;;{;,,; ../..'" ~, ~-,:.;:.,:: . . ~ 7/? ,;(/...- ,,:). I,., .;~ ,;z J..{.5u j ?':? 0,0''; ..:r 7),;'-,.:::':s i?3 3$>S;:'C tj':!:'.D 6"1 LC< LOT BLK. ~ l~b f .: -.,(./~. '.....,-.-_~ . , 'I SEC. TWN. ROE. SOUTHERN PUGET SOUND FARMS 0.:2 0 0:0 .0 10;cJ. . ":;..,;. ""- "ov /1_"_,, " -" : " ,--- - ~ ~ --- - ..- ~-'~ -. n ~~g at a peint on the North line of Government L0t 3, Secti0n Townshi North, Range 3 West, W.M., 700.92 feet west ef the corner thereo, nce along the North line of Lots 3 ,59,70 feet to a point on the No ne of Government the true point of beginning; thence South 370 22 eet to an iron pipe; thence South 43055' West to the Souther of said Lot 2; thence following alon the Southerly line of sa 2 to an int tion thereof with the West line of the East of said Lot 2; thence Nort e N0rthwest corner ef the E f of said Lot 2; thence East, along the 0 ine of said L ,to the point of beginning, -S~9~8e~-~e-miRepal-pe88Pva~ e Beginning at the northeast corner of said Goverrnnent Lot1L-, thence S 87022'00" W (alOng the north line of said Goverrnnent Lot 2 258.90 feet; thence S 37043'00" W'J 224.24 feet; thence S 43055'00" W 197.80 feet; thence N 50023'W 40 feet to the true point of beginning; thence N 35030' E to the north line of said Goverrment Lot 2; thence along said north line S 87022"00" W 266 feet, more or less, to the north- west corner of the east half of said Government Lot 2; thence south along the west line of said east half to the south line of said Goverrnnent Lot 2; thence east along said south line a distance of 83.70 feet; thence northerly in a direct line to the true point of beginning. -~. r 1IIl_-.L_L- .1 2."-; - ;;":--)3