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Yellr File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /q/ SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD - - - - - ~r: NOrmatl F. Tmp~tt , ko2 ...s. ., .S fL.- it. (I~ -1'. ~> ~ - - - - - - nc IL~ .lLo,' .dA L /J A, ~""'. "I'VE;? - - - - - 4,>1 ~l:3Y II J/ /J. :d., /?I~to If> J/), )/!., /J / ...!. ~,f-Oci, ..sS::S-)> 27 1~ l-~;;A~ /1). J:ru/.<-P J 'JJ7 A ~ - - - - - - tt1883.:L (,J<': 3D !.~/"f) (~ 7J", " - - , <" 7, 77/'.12J .U ;1 e.J t;;r; 1. .'l ,/'1, '" "';4 .tt6$>6Pj- p $()o '71/ 39n:l,o Z/;;, 7lJE;;~~x- " " " tL 7(. f:t "- - - - -- - '<' %t . JfU#$ - - - - - W..,lL ?$" <!P'7r,f' I ~j,k.J _, M,,~ ""-27'7/.7' 1.''''- - - - - -- ~~ IfM WP 1tt/ tj~,fSS'; ~tLM. ~ ..d~.JI-11<U u-u) ?600 . .,.',P7f'$/.:.3 ",of' - - - .s-.s-z> 0 W.d - - - - - -I .- ~. .. - - --~ , -',~ l. "<,,':~'.' , ~..' If..'_,' NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ".. Oyster , Improvemenh; 8. of E. nmber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved (Buildings) VALUE ~ /1-C /~ - I~ .' /'SZ> /S~__ '/1 *A f"6~ _ 7/J . . ~tJ{j SfJ () /~oo - -xA /M% /~ - 1j,' l~tYO /~C)JO - 7J 3.(;l[)O .3';;; [) 0_ 1>:2. i.;/(J() =qt'Jo , I - J - .- i LOT sue. ,3lc2lol ~ /1 ..I a1~;1t7ra"~1~ , 11.-. SEC. TWN. RGE. -- "~-'-' ~',".; ..--. ", .,j. ~~,-.,.<~"... >~~ ,.,. .....~ . -..-,,,,,,. ,~......,..~ "'~_. ."..,.- -.,. ".- - ;::~~.c- ..~ ~v.r 7: ~L- ~-iu. r-!t~ 7;~~ ~fl --f'~l~ c.~ ~4~ ~