HomeMy WebLinkAbout320215701021 D1STR_I~~.__-1~J___ _ ! SALE PRICE , Year File No. NAM E of OWN ER CONTRACT TO Rd, So,, I Port PUD K ' i 11',<;' ~----I Jacoby's SnoT'p.cT'Pst, Inc 1 1 ("..l _.Ie .li'-lif-~- f;:ji) Lit.. :f_ ) _--=-_,1__1_ :61G1e~-:;;~~- ltJ.--,.o:j:'. ' "'- 1;':;1 f-- J ! ~7~ 1/,5<' c. r 77.' Ih-: 'rJ1 C' If;;; -1-1- ~-'- _ _ _ --":?...;?"",,,-::-'V~ R I~ .1'tlct"J/5 ~~ F )U~tk.~d I' f' I: ~si~=! '1,~;tL i;;h, ;..11530/ . &;;015/) IJ~ ,\ :J},/JC:"i.' M~' "J;2A J/7 33:<636 ' ( ~,~dt..J -kat ---!1':93h'/- ~ .. if'/-?lflA ,(\ 1 h,,;/i ~-7;;. j~ t, f __1_'_1_1__ 1-1- ~QO_....fIM>_ IV ' 1_1--1__1_1_ _ _ " __ __ , I I I 1 ____,__1___ _____ _.___.~ - - _1_'__'_ - -~-_.__._- -- ~ ---I-,---I---~- ,I .:' '. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS .Yea Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster limber lid Imp""m,," I B, of E, Unimproved Improve 'Buildings) VA.lUE 1MI<' I_~ ,JL~-, ~ ~ 5/ tJ I 1"&0_- --- ~~____I&/-5- I~ :7k:>?, w/~ l::?~ . l$::f;$~__ 17..2 , ~o L______l3j1<PO_ 11'-1 .- 6fe>a 1----1 6f?q~_ ~ 6>'06l- ...' ~~. "'- / "t;5t:J.M~".;z70/S::"' 114 -- ,/t-OW ..L~.MI~o.{']O,_ I.l'':; ;;;730( ..22.,:"0I,5(,-'l0Q._ ''''''''- , Ws- se-... . 9'<::' 273 <00 ~ ?/9:2...1~___~9_ ._, 1 ---- 1+--,- V "T-'_." , , LOT BlK. -- i1.~J~ r.,70 11 i 01 ~/ j \ . SEC. TWH. RGE. v _ ,J4f:B1l I '< " ~.-" " > " , ._,- _.. / ~-"'"' ,,' -~~.~.._- - -~ .. /. ~t- BY' /r,F -#' ",p.J(..,.ij()Lf All that portion of the tidelands of the second-class, ~orm~rly owned by the State of Washington: suita~le for th~ cult~vatlon of oysters, including the reverslonal rlght thereln, as conveyed by the State of Washington under deeds recorded in Volume 8 O.L. I page 39, and in Volume 66 of Deeds, page 237, containing 14.09486 acres, more or less, described as follows: All tidelands of the &econ~-class, fo~merly owned by the State of W..hington, suitable for the cultivation of oysters, including the r.v.r.ionary right therein, doscribed as followsl S.ginning at the meander corner to fractional sections 21 and 22, Township 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M.; Thence S 700 ~8' W along the meander line of Hammersley Inlet, as balanced and platted by E.E. White and shown on th. plat of Shorecrest Addition as recorded in volume 5 of plats, page 13, rIPcords of Mason Co., Wash., in said Section 21, 1421.84 feet; and S 890 ~8. N, 24b.48 feet, and N 240 02' W, 1356.94 feet; and N bID 02' W. 79.85 feet to thg TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, Thence N 610 02" W along said ftIeand.r lin. b8.00 f.utl Thene. S 380 30' 34" W, 284.92 feet; ThE!Oc:e 5 3'90 58. 42" E, 51.00 feetl Thttnce N 410 42" 04" E, 30b.85 f.et to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. -, ,-~~-, ~.... ,..,.- ~.,