HomeMy WebLinkAbout320215701007 ""'l1lI Year FiI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 19 I SALE PRICe Rd, Sch. Port PUD FPD - - - 5" - - If -r..77.;(, C-<: .Tc;r>nLy's ShnT'p.r>T'f'st, Inc. {).O~ l 11-02 S lJ. L .fL :7;5'00. fI~ i7t;~'1 ~e.,~~.,;f~ -'7307( '-- - - - - .f '.S-oo I-- - - - I-- - - - - - - - - - I-- - - - - 1--- - I - - - - -- - - - - - - --- - - - - - -I ~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ;y.. Orner , Oyster Improvemlnh B. of E. nmber Unimproved Improvld TOTAL Timber Unimproved Improved (Buildings) VALUE Iu: If.s;{} ~-, IMI 12<-,,-:% .5~o f~C)__ 1.1 ~;7,fLJ I~::: ,7/ .6CJ,!';; ~s-k ZJ 37-.7tJ ~7~ 7, //)0 "'J5 ~~ 7&:h -- i;;?,.<;'Z)"" 7$l!>a - 7t 1&.975 IC,,97S-_ ~ ::<8::<.c:;o ,;;gdscL 55 I';~O .10 2 7f2.G.'5" 2,,(2.~ I - I ! , I , / LOT ILK, 010..'31-1-...\ /~ 71e1/1o 0191' J SEC. TWN, "",' , --,,- '>.'-'-<- . , .""-\_~ _ ~._~_. ,~ ,r-~ ---.... , .~ 1&l1: By /If"*" -'l4fc/"1 All that portion of the tidelands of the second-class, formerly owned by the State of Washington, suitable for the cultivation of oysters, including the reversional right therein, as conveyed by the State of Washington under deeds recoroed in Volume 8 O.La, page 39, and in Volume 66 of Deeos, page 237, containing 14.09486 acres, more or less, described as follows: COMMENCING at the meander corner to fractional Sections twenty one (21) and twentytwo (22), Township twenty (20) North, Range three (3) West, W.M.~ thence South 70~58' west, along the meander line of Hammersley Inlet, as balanced and platted by Ea Ea White and shown on the Plat of Shorecrest Addition, as recorded in Volume 5 of Plats, page 13, records of Mason County, Washington, in said Section twentyone (21), 1421.84 feet~ and South 890581 West 246.48 feet; ano North 24002' West, 225.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence North 240021 West, along said meander line, 75aOO feet; thence South 65058' West, 67a93 feet; thence South 36047130. East, 76a90 feet; thence North 65D581 East, 50.95 feet to the point of beginning a ~-- ' -.. _ .__~ >r.-.-._ .., -_.,---"'._.~,._- . .... ' ~. -.. - . I I u - - c....,~---.: