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Year \ FlI, He. NAIIIE of OWNER 2# Jacobys Shorecrest, Inc hb ("t, /),Ntfil. ,r::!: Ii. c$~ !JJL21S0JI U t2DV ~, , /" ...... ;:2.. ,. J - '. NUMBER OF ACRES V..r Oylt.r Tlmb.r I Un'mprovld Imprond ilJi -"------ I,J- 1L jL 22 2K ~3 TOTAL r CONTRACT TO 1-n5ff.,M A' ~/ ~..t4--1fk#/ t' O,Iu.r "'5:'% ~ ~ ;:'0 /tJi!J?., DISTRICTS I '-II Rd. loti. Port PUD FPD 1 40~ S "3 b L ;-I - -- I-- ----,-- - ,-- ---- -------1 VALUATIONS Tlmb.r Unimproved LOT BlK. Ire. TWH. RO~ !+ 3 "c_ , , " 131;a.lol~/ lS":hiO'~lolo fcir' -= SHORECREST TERRACE .3RD,!pp/ ,___ _ ~ ___ ,. ___ __.__ .___ ._.~______ ''0' n._,,..__ ',-..- - i -_, SALE PRICE ~ ~',3<,,/ ::rj!>'37":.N ,3(,-'"'''' \ . 8.ofE. VALUE /~~- /.56__ ~L_ ~~:'- ,246 d 3.Rao 3C;;O()