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YMf FII. N.. NAME of OWN~ CONTRACT TO 63 acobys Shorecrest, Inc. ~ ~;;(.P ,17. h<- j/~d'tJ ~ ;;t. Ll. #_ J J..-u/ t' h'-l/73Ui iJa.."l '~a...76-x.;~' ?(c(jO AL /j.;!',t,/-,// t~- .(/ ,;;(,tt:~~::U 1...:) ~: tp.;s-/&Z- k . 'yU , , :? 4-:.14- !If :;l, //1 . - .- -- v.., Oy..... 14 ~ #- ~ ':;'!I f! fi NUMBER OF ACRES TOTAL I- Oyster TImber Unlmprov~ ImproY*l I LOT BLK. uc. TWII. AGE. ~O':a../I F~robJol oi9' ~-~~- , " ,",:, - -.:<:" DISTRICTS I q / Rd. loti. Port PUD FPD 1 4-~" s 3'15" L I-! - f--- --c- VALUATIONS SALE PRICE /,... J~P"6S~.<~J- 11 #-i'373 I '/f', r,,-AA ../^ oJk 1>63;;3 .t 3S-o 0 w.n ""'7'2.(.3>' F/o~ b.Jn Ilmprov......nb Improved (Bulldlnp) /....<h /6"0 Ilo.o / ~t) tJ 32P1J :3:hJn 3;;,),60 Tlmb.r Unimproved ~~ (1/'1 ~-