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Y.., FlI. NG. NAIIE .. OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I Q /' Rd. loti. Po,t PUD FPD SALE PRICE 61 Jacoby's Shorecrest, Inc. 1 r+02 S ':\ t;""L /I t-d 0. /K Q z ; c.q 11.1'.656'7 If I '4;;' ;;). flR1~ ~ d- -,'l-- d ------ 3'1 , #./#-'zz. /1'6Hr.'{I '/ /' > , -- ~17 I'"~ l3~n,C\mln A. ;l}Y'L5-.i-". fI~,'r. \ -%; ,/;l837/,.q" 00/L'->11 '~?.;.";iJ ______ %" 1.28191 -:';'?'Ti /l.~;A If C;(/t'JD ______ (.I,,~ l/tI/"b /J (! '" /1 111,;;.._ J rlAA I.) . / ,.....::z"'~ ~ - 6/3y W.O.P w2~ I~"on. #l?7gs5 wn l' <f',p as-f/ f;:((, ,,00 "0 ~ 7/7tJS ulL> ---.-- -----.- ------ -... ---1--"-' ...... ..-4j NUMBER OF ACRES TOTAL t O1ater Timber VALUATIONS I U I ..A I .A Ilmorovemenb B. of E. n mol'Ov.... mpl'Ov.., (Bulldl"lP) VALUE ---.L2L:L ~o..,__ /"<;0 ~O .:;g,,_,,_ _.L$t> ~"'p 45:t!J ~ 00 .1' 00 .:flY&)_ l.;w~.~@~ L&(J <L _ , J2$ () ro 00 ~,..,sO, , d.9"00 ~oO !4/o,(j ,;J....9M ~O '4/60 _ tJ ~ (/,;:;;;2.. . 7f~'7 '-' 73;Z5 /'flflf 77 (v; C')/ ..=:OO ~9fCJ('J Ye.r O1ater Timber UnlmpnJ....d Impro....d ~...1 ..M.. __ ~~ ;1ii 1'13 111/ '71 -1i. .xL ('<t., ~, ,/) lOI /( so.; .;;.-.~: ;>"\, ,1/" ....../ " /"" LOT IEC. BlK. TWN. ROE. ~1/T\.LSIOllIOm , '.. . --~ -" _.~.., ~:,,-, .-=-;;'" '-";-.'