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Y.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Rd. Soh. Port PUO FPD J91 . SALE PRICE' 62 Jacoby's Shorecrest, Inco l!:tQ2~3-.5 .!Lit. ff"- .6.!L /, IJ ~ h /.. _ I) I- ___ I j(jq~~<;L~ .!2i21~1S~<1" r ~/D t"', I c', 1,J.,-, d o.l l.' ' _'-- ____ ,'<,~.t:,? 12/7.1 ~f{5:3.!:;'.5 ~..1. '77~ .2-r'Gd. _.l),9gl) 51 /J' -I -IJ, . "" ,,-yr./7 /81" tjS.;J.o9 6.ttv..- ~~~ Ih"", __I- _ ,1'-,\ oeD W.a (--- . --.' ,. ---:. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS You Oys\er Tlmb.r Unimproved Imp",vld TOTAL Oyat.r Tlmb.r Unimproved Improvld Improvements (Buildings) B. of E. VALUE f42 ~-- t:l- ~ ~~( ~~ /t!"q) . /2,."> /~ /~- ,S?,t;tff! /b'O?'" . ~~ L~)00 E(060 3(,00 <~.z I/tllt'~ %'.1 ,tJ /~<f).4J , . 3200 I""""A:O 3t:.Co :5 b" (J 1'1/ 7J' g3 LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. ROE. " ~. 3. hI,;) ol..'2.l/~131o~ 101/1311 ~L.6.:r (),ij'SliOB, . - '~',..,,':.