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Year FII, No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS / If / Rd. Sch. Port PUO FPO 1 4Q.; 81 ':l. 15 L If SALE PRICS 62 Jacob'r's Sh ,t. Tnt' t1 bf ~ /I A ,.#A./ h.S't:?/Ob.:?3.A ~. ~~~d.. " ,/ ~:<7,;}Uf! 1fh~AJ" 11 c!')/-/hlA:..&/.P.f<<j ~ ~""'/J"",,~ /Rpc, :u ...::z':;Pf -I- -1-- -I-- ----~ - .-.. . .'~ .-...- ""'r ."--'-"'-111<' .. r. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS You Oy.t.r Tlmb.r Unlmprond ImproYld TOTAL Oy.tu Tlmbu Unlmpro'lMi ImprovMi ImproYlm.nla (Bulldlna') B. of E. VALUE ~% , 1/ -C..t'> ~ Jth /;7.5 f~~ /6c;o 13.;/00> 3..wcy 3;;J.(){) ~dC{) /t/o , /~.?j ;?CJO /6(J1~ 3~ ~dl'4'J .k2 ~ 7& f 7& B?, 12...rZ '3.:J/J() ~';)00 LOT BlK. ,~ -.' '~ :..-..;......,...,~ .. ~ dotl /Ls1'3IoWo.El:a' ~~ .R.E!,:L.~~~. ,.;- SEe, TWN. RClE.