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You Flle No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 19:' Rd. .". Port PUD FPD l- I 14-02 S .:LL7- L ff SALE PRICE 62 -62.,. It,:; 7. ~~ )".;:;' 101: n 'Lr ~ .- 1111 11 "J,i..;:< q ~) () / ;1~ !oS..?20 w 7.1, _ 'IN"" 7 .C K<. &.,,'" -'.L:L411739 I!u Jacoby's Shorecrest, Inc. 'In..t9. #. . L .2 'n/ / 11/ . :!/Ij. ,#}". I.., .1. jig",J.; liJ~. H. u.k, " 1/1 "n ~ q JJ:-- #/?l> l-:;;...~....d ;...'.0 , '" ..5"4.3.:1"" /1-5 DD Ii 77'0,;'-5- ~3? 5-00 /1)1'") /'I;:!g?J;,<~ I- I- --- -- 1----- .:-' . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS You 0,"', Timber Unlmprovld I Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvemenb (Buildings) B.ofE. VALUE ~rc) 1:2:2J~ 3.<;;'00 ~9t> t/~ _ ~6b ~;;;i=?O' ~5d:)(') ~ -?'aX' '71) (}O " , 1~5Cu /~d{) /cfl.30 :)~--- ..,Q/l-" 309on ~9o ,1; / t) /L h<; h ./ii2. Jl. ~ ~ 7ft ,& 7f 1d.. -:5.->% /a/% LOT BLK. lEe. TWN. 1~I~Oj.,1j/'jS' :l1()1/lo'~191 ROE. ...., l~. ..'___ 0"'_ __,{...._~.,;_"'__....-;.-""....~~....,.,.~~