HomeMy WebLinkAbout320215301028 Vear FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Nt SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD - - - - - 62 Jacoby's Shorecrest, Inc. 1 ~02 S l. 5' 1L ;-I- ~ h . .. -I fl. J-nn#~ -_..,,- ....~J.:;- - - - - ..s,sco~ -k... /:&-//7 .;t;; -, (l.,. '7/JA d f.v 1 - - - - - ~~ l1)jV~~ I CkltUfC lIt{..,f,f f/f./.. ),J: Zr/JOO #' ,73/02- - - - f-- /0'00 II , - - i-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e--'" ,..< - . ',,", ,... , .' "'-e , - - - - "~ " NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Ve., Oytt.r Tlmb.r Unimproved Imprond TOTAL Oyst.r Tlmbu UnImproved Imprond Improvements B. of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE ~ ~9o q'9o .& ,~ hIt) ~/@ -- 1;;<1-R % - JZ /-f, h. -< /L'.c..s; 1R- 1'- ~~. I::?.?;?n. ;3B3o ?;Z ~ Z5"rPO # J&'% ~ -, .- A J'fL 7h/bLJ '7 CJ'CJ' e I 7g /575'0 / S 752) if3 :;;/...,{)() -,/~~~ as- -,-'It.. '~0 zk,5"~ 2 fc.5~ seG. I , \ ''v , LOT BLK. I-?h oJ;t1/ 15"'1310 I 01 ~61 'EC. TWN. RGE. , 'c' , 1 ""& Rl!;tlT.AT . , , T",li'c~c3~"".s.,"~ _', , ._ . ,_ C'~~'.;;.,-'; - . r ~ ), L!l:I: ll: 13Y AFH- -7'-7-"t./3(') All that portion. of the tidelands of the second-class, formerly owned by the State of Washington, suitable for the cultivation of oysters, including the reversional right therein, as conveyed by the State of Washington under deeds recorded in Volume 8 D.L., page 39, and in Volume 66 of Deeds, page 237, containing 14.09486 acres, more or less, described as follows: COMMENCING at the meander corner to fractional Sections twentyone (21) and twentytwo (22), Township twenty (20) North, Range three (3) West, W.M.; thence South 700581 West, along the meander line of Hammersley Inlet, as balanced and platted by E. E. h~ite and shown on the Plat of Shorecrest Addition, as recorded in Volume 5 of Plats, page 13, records of Mason County, Washington, in said Section twenty one (21), 1421.84 feet; and South 89058' West 246.48 feet; and North 24002' West, 1356.94 feet; and North 61002' Westr 517.87 feet; and North 74002' West, 341.98 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence North 74002' West along said meander line 70.00 feet; thence South 19033'53w West, 286.97 feet; thence South 75011'53" East, 70.10 feet; thence North 19033'53. East, 285.54 feet to the Point of Beginning. -",-.. ," _'-:_-_-:'.o.>_..~ .."..- -----