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J..-' 1 DISTRICTS 101' Yu' FiI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. Po" PUD~ - 68 Nat'l Bank of Commerce Woodcrest 1 40 S 3 ..,.. J.l II ~a'9'M' 7,'\, (). Uev. Go. -- It7 Ar /0. ..I. (D;) Ir- Ih7 17I:;(7-n~ J/) ,tM, . 7.2. 77'. "A"JI ]V ; f;;;; 00 5'S'?3;>- ?7;1, , /~.... ,/ I I . . . .---=- . .~ - _..~ .- .~ <.,- - . . .. , , .. NUMBER OF ACRES LI VALUATIONS Yur Oyder TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved Improvements i B. of E. I (Buildings) I VAL.UE iU /~A /.. t:: /;l ~ I.., oz.>,:, /dlo 0 /3.,:Jf3 , 12We ~()0 IC(l~ /" -16 1~~Ol:O :J~O ,f) 83 i::s.~{>D .3 -=<1) 0 3,::)00 3.;;)00 LOT BLK. 1~I.2.loll !tlS15IoJ~l.o~ SEC. TWN. RGE. ~.'-' - .~-,.~- SHORECREST TERRaCE JIll! . 4th ~D,D. " ~_."'" .._n____""_."-'_. " - ------- - - "="='--- ..