HomeMy WebLinkAbout319065100904 ... y.:r-File No -r---'--.'-'---~ME of OWNER 4/70 25_0J.2L.r?en.@mi n Henn i q --f-----f--- -- -- -----1-- --,-f-----, -,.._- '--'-"- ,.. ---J---..--, ~"" · NUMBER OF ACRES Timber I Unimproved Improved 22.1-_' 7t (I 'i'l --- 1- --- -, --------- LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. os.. ~..IrA<;t :23~J:) _ /, IS !' ,; /'iUV / 1(' /, I " f--- CONTRACT TO Rei, Sch.IP'lrt 3 09 ...n..LJ 1(/)< - TOTAL Oyst.r Timber DISTRICTS .I ~.' \' PUO! fPD I I -I I, d I 1-1 l ~ Lj ,J-k..H...1-- SALE PRICE 1171~)L_ .~ ~- --.' -. VALUATIONS UnImproved Improved Impro....m."tI B. of E. (BuildinQs) VALUE I J!.4o / Z/j-O ,'~' ~/_~tJn ~'f")oa /t:(1,'. ,~ &?::: (10 ? :_ no J J^.,' f,x'~.- -' 'J'; -:. _J' , i lil/'f' OG,'~/~~~o~~f~ .J;;QMI:DC I ~ ' TRAn:c: 1f.,4 ,. ;'4~1J'''' That part of the W 160' of the E 640' of lot 2 and of the N 1/2 NW SW 6-19-3W.W.M., lying Sly of the Sly line of the Old Fredson Logging Road (also appearing of record~ as Del ight Park Road); ,.~.........~ EXCEPTING therefrom that portion lying S of a I ine running N 860 II' 24" W from a point on the Eline of sd tract N 20 54' II" W 768.32' from the SE corner thereof. ~~. r ~, /Ji.,.II.~: _#.iij)(..;'f-~:-. "'~J ..----<------ ...,.(n. ~ '......_~..-.. ,,," ~:. ...... .. \- . _. ......,.. ............--...., , . , .