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Y.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /4S- SALE PRiCe Rd. Soh. Iport PUO FPO - <;2 1201,),0 E. A. Haze1Quist et UX ~ 3.. 3QJ1'- l - ..k. =- L ( ~C 7/':.. -, t7 !L /?.?fi'G - ,<:;, Q.}9. ;;;::?:-/ J , ...p=. - ~ / j ~ ?J : a; - ,7..5 ~/i;; ~ _,/7 Jr - J.S . J. 'g/ tt :2,/"cJ ~ ~ L f-/ .b -0/77 30//84- V t ">I 1/1/'1 11 .f J ;;f 'J'1 , " (./; I.:, ~ ,.-o_I.:..8',.5()OO 'ff = "ii(;. ~b' o.!;2:2-1 d;7 '/lAd f..-,. c:. " '"1; ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - e.-- ---------- -- - ---- - -------------- ----- - --- - -- ---- -- - ---------------.--------::-~.;~.- - -- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS G,.Ro Year ()Yde, Tlmblr Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oytter Tlmb.r Unlmprov.d Improved Improvemenb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE ".- ,3.';0 ),7' Z) 'OJ.;" .55- -'-a. 'l/l 70 6rJ lo~ ~ /Oa 1.[, ~ ~ /-.:?b /J5~ -:?;, ~ ,~ ,:7j'b /~ ':<13/0 ~,J/ 'A <r" J..s-~ /, :t -,; ,d~~t 7C ' ' .57/',:') '7.J?M /d' 99a '6/ .340 ~~o /.izsO ~, '<I ;Z5() ;""1 .10-(' !-^ ' 3.S-~ 3, ~() 1'I;1.~() ft,c;O() :W:JSO . - . - LOT. BLK. OOilllo;~:sv~' , SOMER I S LAKE SEC. TWN. ROE. TRACTS ,) ...,...- " <..;c~ --: ~ :~-". --_0";"':- -~--:o... , .. 0 - 0.- "".; , . .. ,-..--" , , - --- ,. d , ~, .-. , feet 01' ~:v.: LOt 2, iYing m;..'-i of the'nOrth line ef the Jredson ~Gs. logging road as herein described' sUbject to right of way for road purposes over the north 40 feet thereof., Also the west 100 feet of "the eas't $20 f'eet of the north half' of the northwest quarter of the Sf( quarter all of the above property situate ~n See 6-19-3 w. w. M. 'j '1 ~ , '..'C'li..A ._.~ I " ." j .~~ '~~ ,~ '.>-So. " ;~ ~ ~~..: ~'-' _--:-..:..:.., ; .t.~L ~,,"~ ' ~- -,:,.:;.;;-,~ '> .~",..', ."~-' .;;:i_'0__~i~40 - --~ ~".,~-,,~,.. _ ~', >dk...t,,>'~:;,:l 0_,":- ~. <::- ... ~_._~,:., ~_~. ''?''" ~ ~.~ _0_<><.. - -."ll,..,-'7_~_.""'.' ._'.~ . j , __,I , ~-( -.. i , ~ 0" f~ ~_o .,'~,..'.' .:~~:~-'?:'~ AI .:';l , , ,ij :'1 I '1 ,; ----~