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y.... FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 14S. SALE PRice < Rd. .... Port PUO FPO I- - C;, COOS. Somers 'I '10C ~ ..L... 71= - I.c,~ 11,'---'/~/ f ..1'('4''' / a. ...J~--"<? uJf; ;J g, J 3Q1 ~ t/ '-j 1-1 013 if &1'71 [13//10 ./ Jr. nil 7JJ_, ft/, ~', / /".;?,<t6::?/~? /, , !l1dL- o/> #d Ii ,4 h//L ,,!-f/.?6-~ /7/ .- 'J1Jr:t> I - tfZ1lh/ wIJ - - - ~ - l- I---- :-- Co- - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----~~~~~--------------------~~-----------------------~~-----------------_:_-~-~~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Old.r Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyd.r Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved Improvem.nts B. of E. (BUilding.) VALUE 5,;1. ,.39 ..~9 "?() -.5-<' D {(,M YI,d .;< <,J 0 ..<?~ 100 ,F"/o ci>o 60 b;LS h.2-A' M, -:7 i' b 7'?.!P 7/J ~J~ 76/tJ :7&;70 1""l 6l7g{} 5-7't> -7..f 11/ .,.-i.." firM Ii / , // SSZ; //S-~&J {II /I( //< .;:;"'2 C;ic-O 33000 glJ I, IS- I. IS- 3S-000 ~O.A./"() 5!5;;J.oo 'it; :55"""'0 '-I7t){JlO g:l.t>oo , LOT, BLK. , ~li1fI~I"srl clal~ SEC. TWN. RGE. SOMER'S LAKE TRACTS " ". .' \ --::.;;~-_..:.!..- " .c ~-;~>- " .i, ,. - , . - - . <'1r'. ~, '. :~-i~t~~~~;~~.7:~!../ bOor -- k'. A tr of land in Co<:>vt Lt 2, 6-l;9-3W.W.I1.', daf: '1 .'aoc. C~C:i:.1!-~ :12~the SE cOo:er of sd_(?<)~ ia(:..~, .sd 'corner bears S 8002'f.2T'.€1233.54 , fr~.!,~ the W"%corner of sa Section 6 and be~~ &$"02"',27"1<'1 4029.33'f:romj:heE%cqrner of ., '-,,:" sd Section ,6;; tH N 85002' 27"Wal9' th= li1.me-oi sd Govt Lt 2i'102'o-'.;thN.l"53'43"W' 'l parallel ~ith 'the!i' lil;e of sa Q:JvtLt 41 ,16,Q.' + - tp the N r/w lil).eof (b.Bd; th. ,. ~ S75oW. .cUg tl1e, N r7w IJJle of sd Co. Rd 4o..78'tq the 3l~ corner cJf tt conveyed to State ' - of WasIml~n'tep't, o.f Galle, unEler AFif ~4BS,,!:fndroB; th StVly alg the;ttr.lw lineofi sd0o<" :ad, 152' + - to ~ W line of <:k>v.t Lt 2' i:ll N P52'1;3"W a1S ~ ~j,ineof GI, ,2 '-~ to .1ilie. shore or lake lsatella;., tii iiBIy: .~5f. sd shore of :take IsotOOlia tot~ ~~ corner 1 of trGOnve~d\-w. State of wasm.ngt:ep: ~~f'~, a point whicl'l"tsNl"'52'43"W'frau"1 POB; thS lo.52'43"E alg the W hne of '00 tr 560' + - to POB. .', . ~ ,~ ." "J .1 ... '" j I ,I 1 'I k ~' I, F'- , , k ~.: f i-. ....:-. '-~-~' .o~~_+___......_ .... ........_.~___ c :*,~_..'~_ -~_~;.t.-:":~~~::~~_1iIL ~- ~ ~_~~';,"':"_oi>. . . ..:g__i_~;~~.f.O~ ,. ..~".~.:'?'_,-_~:i:.:.._"j~~~;--~~ -"-i.,. 0- >. :"'.""? '.... ~,,"" ." ....., ......:. .~'. -:t:- o.~ "". ~. -:.;;: _ J' .'i/_c'-, -'-' , ..' , l l . "-,....~. ..... -. ,~.- '...':lJ>:-:f'-_ .~i~*~' ;~ - ;0-- .~ ;1 .~ '~ ~, ,. rx ~ -- f'"" ~ "'-~ .- ,.- r t , , , .- ....,. -..;:".;;... , ' :j '_.c1i.~'..'.'.:. .~. -. '""--::-."...~ ,.--_.. ~ ri.f- -