HomeMy WebLinkAbout319065100015 YI.r ",,;'" ~";d NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS N~ SALE PRICE 1 //?' ~ Rd. .... Port PUO FPO ! - - - - ~~1~ 60 10~T51 George B. Howard et ux 3 1309 3 L ~ ~Hn~ tful5Wr5. Howard P/ I !<Ii' 3... :L lEt it :~~/jU 5&0 WD U<l"q/ . 41!l~~4 ~_) h( 84c 031ri5dM-~ 8Lll..l.. 418552 Vprnon M. Flpsnpr Pi": llX (Rllhy J - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I---- - - - - - - - .... .->. --..---- -- ~-- - '" -"~----~-- ':".~- - - - ~- -,.-." -<- ... NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS , Year Oldl' Timber Unlmprovld Improved TOTAL Oydlr Tlmb., Unlmprovld Imorovtd Imorovlmlnb B. of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE .b.Q .;z(!)C!' 9 J" S- ./I1":!>"" . ~ .: (j)(~ "A ....,.- ~;l;zg ;"tJfJ ;uf7(j ~f'!M> ~ I'" '!- ~ !1.:lJ/.P 3:'/~O ZL- .::. ;;;j //-~ ~4'~o n."j/. f 1<;l'..;:1.~1l '''0' ;,. _. , , - l'jcZtJ .:>.373/J 47<10 1/ /1000 #')..000 ~OOO g~ 2tJotlo ..7C.:l.""" 6.:1.0"c- Iii ;J,tlOOcJ </;;'000 c,~OoG> ! I LOT BlK. OO'~2AC"""'-ir~ l SEC. TWN. . , IS-A, . - i:~ . , f r t ~. I f r f t I / . -61> f'" 1 iJ By WD AF#414232: The W 20" of the E 660' of Govt Lt 2, 6-19..;sr-l.W.M., lying Nly of tie Nly rjw line of D$light Park OJ. I'd #1168, sd land also knc:Mn as the W 20' lying Wof ~ 16 of un:recorded plat of Sc::rrers Lake Trs. "f!', /?4J ~ 1\ISO all shorelands of the 2nd cl as de:fil:1E!d by Chapter 255 of the Session Laws fo:roerlyowned by the state of Washingtcn ifa, adj to or abutt upon the above described upland.. That ptn of the W 60' of the E 660' of GOvt:. Lt 2 6-J.9-3W.W.M., lying Nly of the NJl,y ... . tn!ri:gilJ.Of Delight Park CO.' Ra, EXCEPTING ~refr<J1l\ the following: Beginning at t1i.e BE . =me:\: of sd fOvt Lt 2; th N 3044'57"... al<;J,:i.ts Eline 502.08'; th S 86015'()3"W6QO'; th N 3'o44'5~"w 359..26' to TPOB; th S 63022;I33''W 14.68'; th No057'06"W 114.41'; th N 2034'52"E 45.26'; thN P57'32"E 29.67'; th S 304l/'57"E to 'l'POB; JlXSo all S/t of 2nd c1 ifo, adj to or abutt upon the W 60'of the E 660' of sd G6vt Lt 2; . ALSO :that ptn of the W 40' of the E 600' of Govt Lt .2, 6-19-3W.W.M., lying Nly pf the. Nly margin of 1E1ight Park Co. Rd <hf: j3eginning at the SE corner of sd G:Jvt Lt 2; th N 3044-t57"Wa1g its Eline, 502.08'; th S B60l5'03"W 600'; th N 3044'57"W 226.06" to the Tl?0Bi; th N 2040'34"E 134.02'; th S 86015'03"1'1 15'; th S 3044'57" E to TPOB. - ,&.:-;~.::r . _:-e-rdir'.,\<*, . ~ ~ ~ r l ,'- ",-,.,~- -:~,"",.'","_.... ,--- --~:/.'~~i::':-~ ""~.4/~~ ~" ~jal.j.-~ ~'J/~-~7 &., ~j .$/.;1.-"" GE"~e cJ ~u)l9tf!.1) - ~IU l r ! L