HomeMy WebLinkAbout319065000035 Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1~ I SALVRICE Rd. "h. Port PUDIFPD ji]<J - 3" - L ')n Monroe Mi."h""1" Er. -y, lA ~'+a~ Hi1,.., I1L- - E.. - - 3?50. &. /775.2-/ 7/1" IYVo-A /X,d Il. ,( .~ /' I 'lP; '. ~L ~M..~ / ~.7D " ,hi ..L ::t!1 3- ':l. L JL , 0/ - - - - - - - - - - - -!- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - __1- - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - -- - - - -I ----~-~_._-----------~-------_.....:;...~_:~' .. .= ~__.=.==...~.~_ -~=~_--==-__0Ir=- ~'-'-"~~ . - -- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyltlr Timber Unlmproyed Improyed TOTAL OYlter Timber Unimproved Improv~ Impronmenu B. of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE .57 ,~b dS /60 IS'S- 5..1 . ,h 7-~ 225 250 ,';1-% .,-ee:, .-,c:- .3 j' ~~ y.;r 0 ~ :2.:J ~ ,;t oS .::L,7(t) kL /tJO ::J. ~.6" .305"' .f.2.. I: :> 7/~- , 11 /-=-- / .k:2 Ie () 9:<0 / c? c': 0 ~ "~::.:) ,-'" .. /, ,'. /.:< '~.j ...."..L <<~. ... .. / .~./ (./ //- 'J . , , 7r'., /..;; ::; 0 ~3~" 3S;"-:'L , . .? Ii ck:C ot: ") .~, ~ ' ,,-. ,.... .. -x~' ...,.;, . .....-;.... .~ i j _/ .1!:!.- I( / ,-:: (' ,'.(.', 5t '/1 Y/IG :t, j~/" //7Y~ 1</7gtl rL 31;;(7() /73~o .2,1 ~L(o 2L 8 ~ . 8' /L:1<"'_.'": ) '--~ ?",~(""" V 7 0., -" ''-1 "'I. 7(.. 10(;.. . . 373v<:)1 '/73QC) LOT BlK. / ..... TWN. RGE. (311 '~:O:, 's"ol.~ II~ "'~; .' ~. * .~P~ T '"' .,..""--'.:.."-...._,.0<..:...-. .,.",-' "',> . r,' . ,. ., -".., . ...--- , ~The N$rth tW$ hundred twenty five (225) feet of the Ssuth half (S~) ef the East half (E~) .f the East h~lf (E~) of the Southwest quarter (SW~) of the N@rtheast quarter (NE~) of Section six (6), Township nineteen (19) N.rth, Range three (3) West, W.M.j said land being alse known and described as the North 225 feet of the South half (SiJ of Tracts NG. 17 and 18 of the unrecorded plat of Somers Highway Tractsj together with the appurtenances thereunto belonging. ;;;~~- ---' !J 1,. ?J./ C?,G - Vl __'A_ ~ ~..l