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Y.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ILl .5- SALE PRICEI Rd. Sch. P."~ FPD <;2 Chas. Somers 3...- 3.Q.9. 1L - "r.. $'J,bl'l X",,'fih//t~ dh..L-~<-///' "r4 1 6' , 'il J CL L .lL .q IliNJ, ClT 7 / Il I;' i/o?' JJ3j!?iJ' e4'~ C' ~/74.R~/ i IT - $ #//1.:<J" Y3' - - - - :7.9. _ It:: 2 /'1L..st,?,' F~,. r ,1;7 . , 1_). ;VA, " d I I!-~/ ,..,JAcO # ,9'P7? / - - - - - /hJ,9, - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----4IIP-~~--------------------------------------------------------------------~~--:-~,..,---- , NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS t,. Po Year Oyst.r Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE I,,,-~ !.fa L), fl 3- !:<o /.:;LlJ 1.0 '1.'tf.t/ 1. f</- ';?5-0 d~() /., 9. 9'1 9.9y. <j..;)G' - $L..<t> /...1.. . I. ~'/ 53,:) .5.3,,) -". " . . 70 9.9(,/ f9t,! 50'/0 30& 0 -3'ar';o 7iJ IU"'! 61;;;0 61;:20 "I.. 7~/':/ 76,,:/ 3'/ 1- 'jJ 9.9 f P-'( j'{JO .;1. '1'?oCJ cfJ. '1P 4'17 '7 9"< /7/770 !"lfiO f'l l/. '1 7 '1,97 9,9'/ /'1?['O 19.? Fa .. - .- - - I LOT BLK. .. SOMER'S HIGHWAY TRACT~ \1/ r9rdifSfo.o 10 ~b..w , SEC. TWN. RGE. , C" " ^-. ....~ ~. . - _.--'.-. .....~.,.",.. ,. , .~:~,,"'-...~ .. ,....,..u_ All that PQrtien of the North 330 feet of the South 825 feet of the SE~ of the NE~ .f Sectien 6, Tewnship 19 North. Range 3 West, W.M., lying West of the Westerly right-of-way line of Primary State Highway Ne. 9 (Olympic Highway); said land being also known and described as Tracts 12 and 13 of the unrecorded plat of Somers Highway Tracts, excepting therefrom, however, public road rights-of-way. f' .'>-~ .~ .->..,,,.'. ....~ _.-.- .~~