HomeMy WebLinkAbout319065000014 V..r FIl. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Pi ("- SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD - - 'i2 117~1} Charles F. Ulrich at ux 3.... 3.Q2 - 3- - 1L /1< .1.:> ;. l'\-J(+d. !L ~o~oJ'./3 ,t;'2, ;1'Y,t~ ~,.b III - ,/ L ~",,(q .:.LI-L .ll ., "y/ d ":'4 ~o?J?i .I"t-~ . n'nfZ- k-' .17,. , .".. / ..... L.s- ~ '!iJJ2.2 ,... ./ ::J?, <X,? ~.&,', AJ~</r~ - - - - /3CJcJ, ",r J.t: 1/ i,,) ..f: _-.-=d .2. ~ ~03r - - /<~c.J, it, ;J'2/'l?C/ II J" n...... o?--" -;-: d -# ./ . /000 - - - - #41205 ,/ Q!: 4/76 312738 Douqlas E. - Favanne Perrine -$10000 " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----..;~---- ~:"_:"_::"_---_:'_--------:--------------_:"_':..--.~ .:._-~-----_:.:_--:;:--_:'::'~-"'.- - -- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Veer Oy.ter Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Imllrovements B.ofE. (Building.) VALUE I or '1 ~.5t,. ~ .s-t. /1 t) ././ LJ 0/ <fs~ '1st. .:< .:; 0 ~~CJ I~/. I,; ~ :;~ /' ,./ ... ;17.:./ , .:::></"'::: 0 17D .;:; l-/ //tfr,.) .;, ;, ro Is ~; 'z /7"7:) / ~c-.? c2 '77 J Or" ~ __ '..iP , /t.I /!/./-;.'"/ .:;;.9..J t; ;;;';;'0S'0 ::2501.5 7& Lj., :)(, .'/ r'/ c:'.) 9", d/,.-I..;.I:":::,,/ .3 c> ? j<!) ,~-:' (-::0 17x ~~H 3,Q7 3, -17' 4/70 --r9 11/ 10 '1/ 1:1-5'00 /;;1.500 9'1 3.97 3.97 1~.50(1 I;;{~()o .. - . lO': BlK. , SEC. TWN. RGE. SOMER'S HIGHWAY TRACTS 131/191 OL~~Dl 010101 }WI' .' ~..... ...,,~~,_/ , ..~ . .,'0......'.,. >-..< .,.,.:.0-: - , ;.," . _<...--c.- -,.;. ;,.,.._,..,," .. -". -.........- "'~ll that portion or the North 165 feet or the South 4.95 feet of the NE~ Gr the NEk or Section 6, Township 19 North, Range 3 West, W.M., which lies West or the Westerly right-or-way line or Primary State Highway No.9 (Olympic Highway), as the same is now constructed and in use over and across said NE~ of the NE~, said Section, Township and Range; said land being also known and described as Tract No.6 of the un- recorded plat of Somers Highway Tracts. EXCEPT the E 150' thereof. L-..