HomeMy WebLinkAbout319065000004 -;:~-r-FlIe No. -T----~.-- NAME of OWNER 327664 II n/7 .334l26. PAIAr ~ ~ .1i~~~~l&~ ~~~1,,;j;,e E.J __.__ ___u___ __, --t-~'-- c--'- NUMBER OF ACRES Ve/H Timber I UnImproved Improved Oyder JJg-- , r - .--. ',-,,'..I S'I 1!L ':<.(){' 1-- --- 1- ---- --- .--- --~- . TOTAL '7,(0 /.',(', ,') CONTRACT TO OISTR'CTS / L/ 5 Rd. 5ch. I p.,rt ruo 1 fPO I I 3 100' J..JV';; All 1"1l~ . I I Oyder Timber SALE PRICE #54392 3 4 L lt8500 1 _ Li I /" l#'oYr"'Sz 1') -L-f-b.- LL_ 74oa? filL) VALUATIONS Unimproved Improved . Improvem.nt. (BulldlnQs) LOT SEC. BlK. TWN. \ RGE. SOMER'S HIGHWAY TRACTS <Unrecorded ~ .31 / 191 "!~ls I qO~ I ()I~;'fl ~ L....;;..-_. . -, .~-". .:.:"",<,._ '::/{,{J c __ f/('t" ~._ ,~""N'_._, __.....__,_ B, of E. VALUE ;:;'ICO '10 cd 9o<"c ,- (Trs I & 2 of SP#300J The west 2 acres of the fol lowing described tract: ....-, ,j AI I that ptn of the NE of NE of Section 6, Township 19 North, Range 3 West, W.M., lying north of the south 1155 feet thereof, and westerly of the westerly right-of- way I ine of Primary State Highway No.9 (Olympic Highway), excepting therefrom, however, the fol lowing described ptns thereof, towit: BEGINNING at the NW corner of said NE of NE; th S along the W I ine of said quarter to a pt thereon which intersects the N I ine of the S 1155 feet thereof; thence E along said line 200 feet; th N paral lei with the W I ine of said forty to a pt which is 20 feet south of the N I ine of NE of NE; th E paral lei with and 20 feet S of the N I ine of said section to the Wly R/W I ine of Primary State Highway No.9 (Olympic Highway); th Nly along the Wly R/W I ine of said highway 20 feet, M/L, to the N I ine of said NE of NE; th W along the N line of said section to the NW corner thereof and the pob, and excepting therefrom road rights of way. .J,. fI ,. ~. =----- ---- ,- .,-......~. -- -=- --,--'~ --.'~----- . . . ""... ' . ..,..' ~