HomeMy WebLinkAbout319065000001 "" . , " You Fill No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS It/s- SALE PRICEI Rd. Soh, Port ~ - - "2 w. R. Moultrop et ux 11m 3.. l3Q5 k. ~/Z~'l1) - it. . cj . 2.$ ......./70..;- . 'AA ~_ ~17 , I-- ood. (oJ! ~:o.r--a /0 ( "31 , (J,r .3t/5"S /Jl~ L ~ 2.~ z 1-1 . ,~, 327663 1I~1~4j 327664 Cion C. I Fr3ncos M. Watson - - - - - - $6000 9/;f ?J!{),075 ~~'~ ,.. '" '(, 7&':'- - - - - ~ ~ 4f?ot? %r 3'/3'i5f . 'kJA,-.:::t:fj; --+'-'^' (,oK""",,,) 7I'bf'.> '1G>7 '%1 Jk,o dn Q _Qu -::11-77300 ;;(I1,I.//'h ,t ,13PMLtJ- QcLJ %'~ , 7f'J>~~t:.~(Y) 416VZ &A L2, 'Let' c~ n. II ~,,- - E: - - - I--- .1jg;; ,L, ..~ 7. :r (V/l~.!:.) 1f-;:JoV [~f/ 4f'l$10 DOOEh? fII~ - - - - - - - - - I--- - - - ~ ---~----------~---------;----------~------------------~----~~~~~---- 1----- ."-~ ..'-.- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyst.r Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyater Timber UnImproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Bulldlnat) VALUE $.'" (,,/~ t~ Iso /.//0 ./..2 " !J ..,"1.t (.,f'1-- ~, I?-- I~-C 1;2 70 /'1:2. 0 . 61 3?t:) 1'76.s- ~/r,L.5- Ii') ~ " ---- . 3~o /945" ~ 3~5" ."i, .."u' i,,'; le: L~3 e3%{) - /7/5 ;2o</~ (pLi . ,;). /:;:;-" ./YU /1';'-<;,- JI": /~/.. ,25% .1/;7..:;)- 02/95 ~/" 7cJ In "'/~b ~'d--O - , /J'// .3~?J ~ ,... ~-77D /, - --- ~ ~ '-CJ t-'-) <-"~,;'-J # 1/0(,'>,', 69Po 4/)6 I J / 5'1!,) 1t, ::JE.~ 3,(,0 3,cO 7130 1t{io It. 7;1.0 hi oS <: t', 1,/)D /,00 10SO -e- IDS() 7"1 I, () d (,00 ,;z5~-o 17:Z~o ("76'(0 71 IC(l,/",(~ .3?9~,' t!P9 Of) R) 10000 4d!5",Z ~--.. , (- :J~..j(b-.:> :11/ /. (l,') (, nu /00(")0 "1'1/00 5Woo LOT 8LK. 1.3I/1~! o:~!.rlC)lo~lo 01/1 . SEC. TWN, RGE. SOMER'S HIGHWAY TRACTS (UnrecOrded) "" ," -:.~~~i_. -~-^-'~--- . ~:_~- ..,~ , .. ,-",;<;c. ."." , ,".' _. , . --;~~~'......",... "---=-" .,-'~ ...:":""'- . . All that portion of the NE Q,uater of NE~ of Sec 6-19-3 w. Vi. M. lyiIlG North of the South 1155 feet tereof and lyin;; ;'iest of the Westerly line of eh' Olympic Iliglr'ay Exce"lting therfrom a tract of land particularly descrioed as: Beginninc at the ~w corner of the said NE~ of NE~ of Sec. ,:) runniHg thence Southerly on the West line of said NE of NE Sec 6, 6b feet; running thence Northeasterly 200 feet to point 20 feet south of the North line of said Sec. 6 running thence Easterly to the West boundary of the right of v:ay of the Olympic Highway to a point 20 feet South of the North line of said Sec 6. thence running N02'thetly alo'ng the West boundary of the Olympic Eigh'iay right of way to the North line of s"id Sec 6, thence \'lesterlyalong said Sectdlon line to the point of Beginning. Correct Descr: t:/~The West 3 acres <Trs I, -I< 3 ofSP# 300 AF# 327032) of the fol lowing descr Tr: AI I th ptn of NE of NE of Sect. 6-19-3W, W.M., which lies N of the S 1155 feet thereof, and Wly of Wly R/W I ine of Primary St Highway No.9 (Olympic Highway), EXCEPTING therefrom the fol lowing descr ptns thereof: ' Beg at NW corner of sd NE of NE: run th Sly, alg the W I ine of sd NE of NE to a pt thereon which intersects the N I ine of S 1155 feet thereof: run thence E, along sd line, 200 feet: run th N, paral lei with the W I ine of sd forty, to a pt wh is 20' south of N I ine of sd forty: th E paral Ie wit~ and 20' S of the N I ine of sd forty, to Wly R/W I ine of sd Primary State Highway No.9 (Olympic Highway): run th Nly, along the Wly R/W I ine of sd State Highway 20 feet, MIL, to N I ine of sd NE of NE: run thence W, along sd N line, ~_~~~h~~~~_:orn~~ thereof, and the pob,,:~~o, except therefrom rdwys: ~, *EX I-A - I-C (~ '/" '-L" ~ . _ )....-.,. ----". r '/'f""':' ;.. .f', J T;-.", ;'