HomeMy WebLinkAbout322355000011 - PATT~gON-8ROWN RO(')D CANAL TRACTS . Ibl.")' J I '.'TRACT TO DISTRICTS ~5'i SALE PRICE Year File No. Rd. ""h. Porl PUO FPO 1;2 10h616 Roy W. O'Hara et ux 2 20 ..1'.. 3- L - t:~ d ~ L 3 L L (!)-; 1Y7:l .., 73'1 75? /;,h'11 ~ o~ f'. O/~ 3cJjD .ri. 4'03 T 3 J' L- ;I 33;;.11 V n L ~3 :L 3- L '- .tL - --- - --- - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - --- - - - --- - - - - - - --- - - - - - - ----~-----~-_._-------------~-----------------------~---------------------~--------~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year OYlter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE I..;-~ .';0 .t/ tJ /0 ISO /?/CJ ..;2 6 ~ I~ /10 /0 /So 7/0 t 70 E /, 7' () I,Po /So 'IS-o 7/iJ /570 H1 j,10 .../., "lo 50 ..25>0 0 7/0 3.;<&'<) -, Lt~. ~ ?-a& CJ 7/ 1) ~:J../1J JJ.f? 00 tt,~ 33~c> it, $$ _ :Y,.;tb /pY.f) ~.;l: 00 70 ~,..~ r;,~ .:2./ ~tf) F~/" /!/ )3.{)tM) ,?;lllPo ,,(.<;"/h,/t 'l~ . . - .;l,,~" n4 l/ao'7D ~o ~bf) 3//6 a '7~ 305/,;' ~C'SO 3J-S5'o . 79 ~ . //; /) ///r;7c;/ /';;>'~'" - / 5179C; , ~ -- 9"'/- : 1/ </7 {) / ..;::"9 n.~;: / ',., II : ~ , -~, - '. '/1'::-0 '7'1 (J 1'( 4 c,,!iN ~ i.~"i(\"" 5\'0"'->0 38'''550 LOT BlK. /0 SEC. TWN. ROE. PATTISON-BROWN HOOD CANAL TRACTS -- ~-'- ., - . '-_c_....,.:. _,_n_ .. -. . ~ ot5'fnc. Bgn at a pt. on the N. line of said Gov. Lot 5, N. 89038'46" E. 492.71' from the NW o~r. of said Gov. Lot 5(Being the NW ccr. of said Sec. 35); running thn S. 0020'14" 1;;., parallel with the W. boundary of said Lot 5 to the Sly line of said Lot 5 thn N. 87033'10" E. along te Sly line of said Lot 5, 250'; thn N. 0020'14" W. parallel with the 'N. line of said Lot 5, to the N. line of Lot 5; thence S. 8903B'46" W., alonf the N. line of said Lot 5,247.50' to the pt. of bgn.; said lard being known & desc. as Tr. 11 to 15 Inc. of Dnrec. Plat of Pattison-Brown Hood Canal Trs., Ex. R/W for Co. Rd. Also all T.L. of 2nd class above desc. upland. .--- ,. . .~""'" - -~...":_~-.,.._., .~ ., .,....,."T~ .~. ~ in front ~f adjacent to or abutting upon the -- . =._,--== . ACREAGE 'IAlUATlON . B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVEO BUilDING TOTAl .~ - 19u 1'/0 3/10000 I~,qo 33c.JI'to , , ~. . , - --- - .-- -- , .._n ~