HomeMy WebLinkAbout322355000009 PATTISON BROWN ROOD CANAL TRACTS Year FII,No. ~ NAMEOf~ DISTRICTS. '/ SALE PRICE ';"I.-/td?/~<.t'~_7 . Sch.~PUOFPD__ <;2 120),QC Lewis ~terson et ux 2 20 -'I'.l_.lL_ 1= .~ &2~ at. gp!'~,,J .;;z ,;J.C' I ;;L,L.!:::-.~'.1t?''')oN77-5- ~ 'm. C;:7 d./.Ia~ r:.. flfJ."J'''''' d. -/.&-L ,35i5D ,;( 103 .T...2..11.i.. II ~I L o;/a3 1.. ..iL L b.. 1/ - - - - - - - - - - - '. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----~--------------------------- -------------------~-----------------~=-----~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster TImber Unimproved I Improved TOTAL Oyster 1 Timber Unimproved I Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE , .".:J . Z".2 .~,;L -LO ---.L'5tJ . .;;.. 0 CJ 3t!. Z> l.n /0 /S-O .:< ? (:) 43 () !;) ,83 ,tf3 ;(D .300 ,;( 70 5'70 -iiZ ,[.'3 ,33 ...;20 q.po .;2 70 / -J VOl !./l ,68 . f'3 ~ 9&0 ;270 /.2d 0 11 950 ,ga5 /,;;Mf.5 ;25% //9 pi #~ /4,/cJ I~~ /3/tP j/,g/2 /./'JtJ I;;~ , $7) 70 3/'?() ~ftJ 41t::'~ 117/ IAJ ~~ '?#a /../.. 1/12- //1 t.tJCJ ~/?S ',0, l.-- InJ 1!J()"Io :J,/~ f~ _6 -en. . ~lt/.;,._._' 5t/L: 33'JOJ.0 79 ., c- '5 I-- ,/. -., .;: :..~~ {., ,,'. 73~7.5 '-"'. ' y C::;.O /0101, 7~ (ntd C\6-c( 2..ffl40 ~i./gu ""d12J LOT BL.K. '1 - SEC. TWN. ROE. PATTISON-BROWN HOOD CANAL TRACTS .... - - - .~ J. ' .,'. , ,~ .. . , -',-.J -'-' "'"--'-' -~. -. ... '-',-" ~ ~ The East 35 feet ef the following described tract .f land: All that pertien ef Gev. Let 5, Sec. 35, Tewnship 22 Nerth, Range 3 West, W.M., particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a peint en the Nerth line of said Gov. Lot 5 North 890 38'46" East 344.21 feet frem the Northwest corner .f said Gev. L@t 5 (being the Northwest cerner ef said Sec. 35); running thence Seuth 0020'14" East, parallel with the West boundary of said Lot 5, to the Seutherly lirie ef said Let 5; thence North 87033'10" East, along the Southerly line of said Lot 5, 75 feet; thence North 0020'14" West, parallel with the West line of said Lot 5, to the North line of said Lot 5; thence Seuth 89038'46" West, along the Nerth line Qf said Lot 5, 74.25 feet te the paint of beginning; excepting therefr~m right-ef- way fer County Road. ALSO: all tidelands of the second-class, as defined by Chapter 255 of the Session Laws of 1927, formerly owned by the State ef Washington, situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon the abeve described uplane. All that portion of Gov. Let 5, Sec. 35, Twp. 22 N. R. 3 w. W. M. particularly described as follows: to wit: Be- ginning at a point on the N. line of said Govt. Lot 5 N. 89038'46" E. 443.21 feet from NW corner of said Gev. Lot 5 (being the NW corner of said Sec. 35); tho running S. 0020'14" E. parallel with the W. boundary line of said Lot 5 to the S'ly line of said Lot 5; tho N. 87033'10" E. along the S'ly line of said Lot 5 50 ft; tho N. 0020'14" W. parallel with the W. lime of said Lot 5, to the N. line of said Lot 5, tho S. 89038'46" W. along the N. line of said Lot 5, 49.50 feet to the point ef beginning, excepting therefrom right-of-way for County Road. Also all tidelands of second class) situate in front of, adjacent to or a- butting upon the above described upland. ~ ~. -"-" v "'--"'-f'--~'_"---", .- r' I - ~ . =-..= . ACREAGE '/AlUATION , . B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING TOTAL ~ ,%3 . tJ 1/3(,,000 71./;l,15 '2/ 0::2.1 ~ . _0_.- - i I - --- , _O~I___ ! - --- f---' -. - ---+-- I =t . 1 . -- . .-- ,